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ITCS 2013: Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science

10-12 Jan 2013
Berkeley CA, U.S.A.


The 4th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS)
sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation
Theory (SIGACT), will be held in Berkeley, California, January 10-12, 2013.

ITCS (previously known as ICS) seeks to promote research that carries a
strong conceptual message (e.g., introducing a new concept or model,
opening a new line of inquiry within traditional or cross-interdisciplinary
areas, or introducing new techniques or new applications of known
techniques). ITCS welcomes all submissions, whether aligned with current
theory of computation research directions or deviating from them.

Submission Format Submissions should start with a title page consisting of
the title of the paper; each author's name, affiliation, and email address;
and an abstract of 1-2 paragraphs summarizing the paper's contributions. A
submission must contain within its first ten pages a clear presentation of
the merits of the paper, including discussion of its importance, prior
work, and an outline (similar to a brief oral presentation) of key
technical ideas and methods used to achieve the main claims. There is no
bound on the length of a submission, but material other than the abstract,
references, and the first ten pages may be considered as supplementary and
will be read at the committee's discretion. Authors are encouraged to put
the references at the very end of the submission. The submission should
include all of the ideas necessary for an expert to verify fully the
central claims in the paper. Finally, the submission should be addressed to
a broad spectrum of theoretical computer scientists, not solely to experts
in the subarea.

The extended abstract should be typeset using 11-point or larger fonts, in
a single-column, single-space (between lines) format with ample spacing
throughout and 1-inch margins all around. Submissions deviating
significantly from these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of
their merits.

All submissions will be treated as confidential, and will only be disclosed
to the committee and their chosen sub-referees.

Submission Instructions Authors are required to submit their papers
electronically, in PDF (without security restrictions on copying or
printing). The submission server is accessible through the following link:

Simultaneous Submissions and Prior Publications Papers which have been
previously presented at a CS conference with published proceedings, or are
currently under submission to another such conference, will not be
considered for acceptance in ITCS 2013. On the other hand, authors are
welcome to submit a paper even if the same paper (or a paper with
substantial overlap) has previously appeared in a form other than a CS
conference with published proceedings, e.g. a journal, or has already been
accepted to any such venue. In such cases the *prior publication* category
must be selected when submitting the paper, and the title page must clearly
indicate where the paper (or substantially overlapping paper) has
previously appeared or been accepted. In accordance with SIGACT's policy on
prior publications, such papers will not be published in the proceedings
but will instead be summarized by a one-page abstract accompanied by a
bibliographic citation to the published or accepted version of the paper.
The program committee reserves the right to apply a higher standard when
evaluating such papers.

Questions about this policy should be directed to

Working Papers To accommodate the publishing traditions of different
fields, authors submitting work that is under review or nearly ready for
journal review may choose to designate their submission as a *working paper*,
meaning that only a one page abstract will appear in the proceedings, along
with a URL pointing to the full paper and guaranteed to be reliable for at
least two years. We prefer open access; however, the link can reference a
publisher who takes copyright and limits access. Working papers and regular
papers are treated equivalently from the standpoint of the conference
review process, and they are subject to the same rules regarding
formatting, prior publication, and simultaneous submission. The title page
should state clearly that the submission is a working paper.

Important Dates  *Extended Abstract Submission:*       Monday August 13,
2012 at 23:59pm US PDT.  *Notification to authors:*
Monday October 22, 2012 at 23:59pm US PDT.  *Camera ready papers due:*
Thursday, November 29, 2012, at 23:59pm US PDT.  *Conference dates:*
January 10 - 12, 2013.

Best Student Paper Award We are happy to announce a best paper award for
papers all of whose authors are full-time students at the time of
submission. Student authors who are interested in being considered for this
award should notify the chair of their student status and eligibility for
the award.

Steering Committee Sanjeev Arora, Manuel Blum, Bernard Chazelle, Oded
Goldreich, Shafi Goldwasser, Richard Karp, Ueli Maurer, Silvio Micali,
Peter Bro Miltersen, Christos Papadimitriou, Michael Rabin, Madhu Sudan,
Leslie Valiant, Umesh Vazirani, Avi Wigderson, and Andy Yao.

Program Committee  Mark Braverman <http://www.cs.princeton.edu/%7Embraverm/>
           Princeton  Shuchi Chawla <http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/%7Eshuchi/>
University of Wisconsin  Julia Chuzhoy <http://ttic.uchicago.edu/%7Ecjulia/>
TTI-Chicago  Yevgeniy Dodis <http://www.cs.nyu.edu/%7Edodis/>
New York University  Andrew
MIT and IAS  Uriel Feige <http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/%7Efeige/>
Weizmann Institute  Ravi
Microsoft Research India  Robert
Cornell  Eyal Kushilevitz <http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/%7Eeyalk/>
Technion S. Muthukrishnan <http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/%7Emuthu/>
Rutgers  Ronitt Rubinfeld <http://people.csail.mit.edu/ronitt/>
MIT and Tel Aviv University  Atri Rudra<http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/%7Eatri/>
University at Buffalo  Adam Smith <http://www.cse.psu.edu/%7Easmith/>
Pennsylvania State University  Santosh
Georgia Tech  Andrew Yao <http://itcs.tsinghua.edu.cn/yao>

Organizing Committee  Satish Rao <http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/%7Esatishr/>
              U.C. Berkeley  Christos
U.C. Berkeley  Umesh Vazirani <http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/%7Evazirani/>
U.C. Berkeley

Website The conference website is at http://itcs2013.cs.berkeley.edu.

Contact Information Inquiries should be addressed to