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Beyond AI: Artificial Dreams

5-6 Nov 2012
Plsen, Czech Republic

Call for Papers
Beyond AI: Artificial Dreams (BAI 2012)
November 5-6, 2012, Pilsen, Czech Republic

We are pleased to inform you that the conference "Beyond AI: Artificial 
Dreams" will take place on November 5-6, 2012, in Pilsen, Czech Republic.

Conference website: http://beyondai.zcu.cz

Keynotes: Hamid Ekbia (Indiana University), Søren Holm (University of 
Manchester), Julian Savulescu (University of Oxford), Brian C. Smith 
(University of Toronto), Kevin Warwick (University of Reading)

The second annual international conference Beyond AI will focus on 
interdisciplinary and philosophical aspects of artificial intelligence. 
The aim of this year is to question deep-rooted ideas of artificial 
intelligence and cast critical reflection on methods standing at its 

Artificial Dreams epitomize our controversial quest for non-biological intelligence, and therefore we encourage prospective authors to fully exploit this controversy in their papers. Interdisciplinary dialogue between experts from engineering, natural sciences and humanities is strongly encouraged. Contributions to the following topics are welcomed:
?	Social and Cultural Discourse of AI (social and narrative construction of AI success, ethical challenges of AI, science fiction as social reality, AI as Imitatio Dei, cyborg myths)
?	Dystopic and Utopic Visions of AI (singularitarianism, posthumanism, march of the machines) ? AI versus IA (intelligence amplification, AI-based cognitive enhancement, brain-computer interface, embodied cognitive science)
?	Digital Immortality (mind-uploading, whole brain emulation, natural mind in artificial body)
?	AI and Art (second life dreaming, aesthetics of computer-human contacts, cyberpunk art, machines as artists)

The official language of the conference is English.

Paper submission deadline: August 31st, 2012

The papers recommended by the Programme Committee on the basis of a 
double-blind peer review process will be published in the conference 
proceedings. After the conference, authors of the best papers will have an 
opportunity to extend their papers and include them in the proceedings 
that will be offered to Springer for publication.

Programme Committee
Ji?í Beran (Psychiatry Clinic, University Hospital, Pilsen)
Tarek R. Besold (Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück)
Jan Betka (Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital Motol, Prague)
Nick Campbell (School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences, Trinity College, Dublin)
David Díaz Pardo de Vera (Signals, Systems and Radiocommunication Department, Technical University of Madrid)
Hamid Ekbia (School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University, Bloomington)
Luis Hernández Gómez (Signals, Systems and Radiocommunication Department, Technical University of Madrid)
Ivan M. Havel (Centre for Theoretical Study, Prague)
Søren Holm (School of Law, University of Manchester)
Jozef Kelemen (Institute of Computer Science, Silesian University, Opava)
Vladimír Ma?ík (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague)
Peter Mikulecký (Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Hradec Králové)
Hugo Pinto (AI Engineers Ltda, Porto Alegre)
Josef Psutka (Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen)
Raúl Santos de la Cámara (HI Iberia R&D, Madrid)
Kevin Warwick (School of Systems Engineering, University of Reading)
Yorick Wilks ( Enrico Zovato (Loquendo, Torino)

Guidelines for the submission of papers. Papers (up to 6 pages in the 
Springer SCI format, including references) must be written in English and 
be prepared for double-blind review process, with all self-reference and 
personal data suppressed. Papers should contain not only the issue 
discussed or the position defended but also indicate the outline of the 
argument. Submission has to be made through the Beyond AI website.

Funding for students. Funds covering the domestic travel and accommodation 
expenses will be available for students whose papers are accepted by the 
Programme Committee. For application for this funding, please contact the 
Organising Committee in advance.

This conference is supported by the ESF project ?Interdisciplinary 
Partnership for Artificial Intelligence? (CZ.1.07/2.4.00/17.0055)