Logic List Mailing Archive

Research Chair in Logic and the Philosophy of Science, Calgary (Canada)

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Calgary invites 
applications and nominations for a Tier I Canada Research Chair in Logic 
and the Philosophy of Science. The Canada Research Chairs program has been 
established by the Government of Canada to enable Canadian universities to 
foster excellence in research and teaching. Further information on the 
program is available on the CRC website at www.chairs.gc.ca.

We are seeking an established scholar and a leader in any area of logic or 
the philosophy of science. The successful candidate will have an 
outstanding record of research, teaching and graduate supervision, and an 
innovative research program. The appointment, at the rank of Associate 
Professor or Professor, is expected to start on July 1, 2013.

Specific inquiries about this position may be directed to:

Ali Kazmi, Head
Department of Philosophy
University of Calgary
Email: akazmi@ucalgary.ca

All Chairs are subject to review and final approval by the CRC Secretariat. 
Applications including a CV, a writing sample, a teaching dossier, and a 
description of a 7 year research plan, and names and contact information of 
three referees may be sent to:

Merlette Schnell, Manager
Department of Philosophy
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4
Email: schnell@ucalgary.ca

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Review of the 
applications will begin on July 9, 2012.