Logic List Mailing Archive

Tarski Workshop

5-6 June 2012
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dear All

On Tuesday June 5 and Wednesday June 6
there is the Tarski Workshop at the VU.

   Steven Givant (Mills College)
   Monika Gruber (University of Salzburg)
   Wilfrid Hodges (British Academy)
   Iris Loeb (VU University Amsterdam)
   Gila Sher (University of California, San Diego)
   Peter Simons (Trinity College Dublin)

Some more information:
   Tarski Workshop
   Tuesday June 5 and Wednesday June 6
   VU main building
   HG04A08 (fourth floor)

For more information or registration,
please contact the organizer of the workshop:
Iris Loeb, email: i.loeb@vu.nl.