Logic List Mailing Archive
Free online logic course at Stanford University
* The Computer Science Department at Stanford University is creating
online versions of many of their courses, to be distributed via the
* An introductory course on Logic, designed by Michael Genesereth,
beginning on April 23 and running through June, has been made available
online at http://www.coursera.org/intrologic.
* The course is free to anyone anywhere and will remain so in perpetuity.
* His version differs from other introductions in that it starts
with Herbrand semantics. Herbrand semantics makes the presentation
of semantics much more accessible than in courses that start with
Tarskian semantics. At the same time, the course remains
rigorous. We present both a Natural Deduction proof system and a
Resolution-based proof system based on this semantics. The online
format of the course makes the material available to all. Also, it
aims at improving education through the use of the medium.
There are videos, notes, interactive exercises sprinkled throughout
the videos and the notes; and there is a social network for students
to use in communicating with each other and the instructors.