24 June 2012
Dubrovnik, Croatia
CALL FOR PAPERS 13th International Workshop on LOGIC AND COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY (LCC 2012) June 24, 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia http://ptmat.fc.ul.pt/lcc2012/ The Logic and Computational Complexity Workshop, LCC 2012, will be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, on Sunday, June 24, 2012, as an affiliated meeting of LICS~2012. The workshop aims at furthering an understanding of the fundamental relations between computational complexity and logic. Topics of interest include: -- complexity analysis for functional languages -- complexity in database theory -- complexity in formal methods -- complexity-theoretic type systems -- formal methods for complexity analysis of programs -- foundations of implicit computational complexity -- logical and machine-independent characterizations of complexity classes -- logics closely related to complexity classes -- proof complexity -- semantic approaches to complexity. The program will consist of sessions of contributed papers and invited talks. IMPORTANT DATES: Submissions due: April 13, 2012 Authors' notification: May 1, 2012 Submissions must be in English and in the form of abstracts of about 3-4 pages. Submissions published elsewhere or which are simultaneously being submitted to another conference or workshop are welcome. Deadlines are firm; late submissions will not be considered. All submissions will be electronic via http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lcc12 PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Albert Atserias (Barcelona), Patrick Baillot (Lyon), Arnold Beckmann (Swansea), Guillaume Bonfante (Nancy), Steve Cook (Toronto), Jrg Flum (Freiburg, co-chair), Martin Grohe (Berlin), Isabel Oitavem (Lisbon, co-chair), Thomas Schwentick (Dortmund), Denis Therien (Montreal).