Logic List Mailing Archive

LFCS 2013: Logical Foundations of Computer Science

6-8 Jan 2012
San Diego CA, U.S.A.

California, January 6-8, 2013

The LFCS series provides an outlet for the fast-growing body of work in the 
logical foundations of computer science, e.g., areas of fundamental theoretical 
logic related to computer science. The LFCS series began with Logic at Botik, 
Pereslavl-Zalessky, 1989, and was co-organized by Albert R. Meyer (MIT) and 
Michael Taitslin (Tver), after which organization passed to Anil Nerode.

LFCS Steering Committee: Anil Nerode - General Chair, Stephen Cook, Dirk van 
Dalen, Yuri Matiyasevich, J. Alan Robinson, Gerald Sacks, Dana Scott.

LFCS Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: constructive 
mathematics and type theory; logic, automata and automatic structures; 
computability and randomness; logical foundations of programming; logical 
aspects of computational complexity; logic programming and constraints; 
automated deduction and interactive theorem proving; logical methods in 
protocol and program verification; logical methods in program specification and 
extraction; domain theory logic; logical foundations of database theory; 
equational logic and term rewriting; lambda and combinatory calculi; 
categorical logic and topological semantics; linear logic; epistemic and 
temporal logics;  intelligent and multiple agent system logics; logics of proof 
and justification; nonmonotonic reasoning; logic in game theory and social 
software; logic of hybrid systems; distributed system logics; mathematical 
fuzzy logic; system design logics; other logics in computer science.

LFCS'13 Program Committee: Sergei Artemov (New York) - PC Chair; Steve Awodey 
(CMU); Alexandru Baltag (Oxford); Andreas Blass (Ann Arbor); Samuel Buss (San 
Diego); Walter Dean (Warwick); Rod Downey (Wellington, NZ); Ruy de Queiroz 
(Recife, Brasil); Antonio Montalban (Chicago); Rosalie Iemhoff (Ultrecht); 
Bakhadyr Khoussainov (Auckland, NZ); Roman Kuznets (Bern); Lawrence Moss 
(Bloomington, IN); Robert Lubarsky (Florida Atlantic University); Victor Marek 
(Lexington, KY); Franco Montagna (Siena); Anil Nerode (Cornell) - General LFCS 
Chair; Mati Pentus (Moscow); Jeffrey Remmel (San Diego); Bryan Renne 
(Amsterdam); Philip Scott (Ottawa); Alex Simpson (Edinburgh); Sonja Smets 
(Groningen); Michael Rathjen (Leeds); Alasdair Urquhart (Toronto); Michael 
Zakharyashchev (London).

LFCS'13 Local Organizing Committee: Jeff Remmel (Chair), Samuel Buss, Victor 

Submission details. Proceedings will be published in the LNCS series.  There 
will be a post-conference volume of selected works published in the Annals of 
Pure and Applied Logic. Submissions should be made electronically via 
http://www.easychair.org/LFCS13/. Submitted papers must be in pdf/12pt format 
and of no more than 15 pages, present work not previously published, and must 
not be submitted concurrently to another conference with refereed proceedings. 
LFCS has established the best student paper award and named it after John 
Barkley Rosser Sr. (1907--1989), a prominent American logician with fundamental 
contributions in both Mathematics and Computer Science.

Important Dates:
Submissions deadline (firm): September 10, 2012;
Notification: October 5, 2012;
Final papers for proceedings: October 15, 2012;
Symposium dates: January 6 - 8, 2013.