Logic List Mailing Archive

Postdoctoral position in programming language theory (up to nine months), Munich (Germany)

We are looking for a

Postdoctoral researcher in programming language theory for up to nine months

to work within a DFG-sponsored project. Concretely, an existing type-based 
analysis for the enforcement of a secure coding guideline (published at 
should be extended to arbitrary guidelines specified by Buchi automata.

The successful candidate should have a solid background in program 
analysis ideally but not necessarily with type systems.

Given the short duration of the position we especially encourage 
applicants who can take a leave of absence from an existing position. In 
particular, applications from senior researchers, e.g. visiting 
scientists, are also welcome.

Duration: up to nine months

Start date: as soon as possible but not later than October 2012.

Remuneration: German scale 13 TV-L (38k-54k EUR p.a. according to age, 
experience, family status)

Principal investigator: Martin Hofmann

Location: The project will be carried out at the Institute for
Informatics of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany.
LMU is an equal opportunities employer.

Applications should be sent by E-Mail to Sigrid Roden
roden@tcs.ifi.lmu.de as a single PDF file containing in particular CV
and the names of two potential referees. There is no
deadline. Applications will be assessed on an on-going basis until the
position is filled.

Questions about the position can be directed to the investigator