24-26 Oct 2012
Moscow, Russia
Nikolai Vasiliev's Logical Legacy and the Modern Logic October 24-26, Moscow, Russia The International Workshop ?Nikolai Vasiliev?s Logical Legacy and the Modern Logic? is organized by the Department of Logic, of the Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University in cooperation with the Institute of Logic, Cognitive Science and Development of Personality. The Workshop focuses on the impact of Nikolai Vasiliev, the outstanding Russian logician and philosopher, on the modern logic and marks the centenary of his famous paper ?Imaginary (Non-Aristotelian) logic?. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Vasiliev (1880-1940), Professor of Kazan University (Russia), was a seminal thinker, philosopher, rhyme maker and logician, who outpaced his time and influenced development of logical ideas far outside his own country. He is known for having pioneered the logic with a consistent logical system in the form of syllogistics theory basing upon a contradictory ontology, thus having emerged as the father of paraconsistent logic. What is more, though short (four papers published in 1910-13) his scientific legacy underpins fruitful ideas of the modern logic. Some researches also trace in his writings the elements of the many-valued and modal logic as well. All of the above compels one to regard Nikolai Vasiliev along with Jan ?ukasiewicz as one of the precursors of non-classical logic. The featured topics include, but are not limited to, the following: ? Modern reconstructions of Nikolai Vasiliev?s original systems; ? Paraconsistent logic as the today?s advancement of Vaisliev?s writings; ? Past, present and future: Vasiliev?s ideas in the modern logic; ? Nikolai Vasiliev?s contribution to the history of logic. WORKSHOP SCHEDULE AND AGENDA 22-23 October 2012 ? arrival days 24-26 October 2012 ? Workshop 27-28 October 2012 ? departure days The keynote presentations are limited to 50 minutes, including a 30-35 min.-long address followed by 15-20 min.-long discussion. The Workshop?s official language is English. THE PRELIMINARY LIST OF INVITED SPEAKERS 1. Itala Maria Loffredo D'Ottaviano (São Paulo) 2. Valentin Alexandrovich Bazhanov (Uljanovsk) 3. Jean-Yves Béziau (Fortaleza) 4. Walter Carnielli (São Paulo) 5. Alexander Stepanovich Karpenko (Moscow) 6. Vladimir Iljich Markin (Moscow) 7. Graham Priest (Melbourne, New York, St Andrews) 8. Greg Restall (Melbourne) 9. Elena Dmitrievna Smirnova (Moscow) 10. Werner Stelzner (Bremen) 11. Vladimir Leonidovich Vasyukov (Moscow) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Vladimir Markin ? Chairman Dmitry Zaitsev ? Deputy Chairman Oleg Grigoriev Vasilyi Shangin PAPER SUBMISSION: Abstract of at most two pages length or full presentation can be submitted electronically in the PDF format at the Workshop?s e-mail address to be subsequently posted on the Workshop?s web-site. PUBLICATION: The organizers plan the follow-up publication of extended versions of papers presented at the Workshop in a special issue of an international logic journal. IMPORTANT DATES The launch of the Workshop?s homepage: 15 June 2012 Submission deadline: 20 August 2012