Logic List Mailing Archive
CombLog 04: Combination of Logics, Lisbon (Portugal), July 2004
Workshop on Combination of Logics: Theory and Applications
CLC, Department of Mathematics, IST, Lisbon, Portugal
July 28-30, 2004
Call for Contributions
The workshop aims to provide a forum for interaction and exchange of ideas
among a limited number of participants in the general area of analysis and
synthesis of logics and related topics. Prospective contributors are
invited to submit an extended abstract (up to six pages) describing
innovative proposals and results.
Electronic submissions in the form of ps or pdf files to be sent to
acs@math.ist.utl.pt by February 01, 2004.
Different forms of composing and decomposing logics, such as fibring,
fusion, splicing, splitting, synchronization and temporalization.
Transference results between the whole and the component logics, such as
preservation of completeness, interpolation properties and decidability.
Application domains, such as security, software specification and
verification, knowledge representation and formal ethics.
Walter A. Carnielli, CLE, University of Campinas.
Marcelo E. Coniglio, CLE, University of Campinas.
Paulo Mateus, CLC, IST, Technical University of Lisbon.
Till Mossakowski, University of Bremen.
Am?lcar Sernadas (Chair), CLC, IST, Technical University of Lisbon.
Keynote speakers (confirmed)
Dov Gabbay, King's College, London.
Joseph Halpern, Cornell University.
Dick de Jongh, University of Amsterdam.
Gabriel Sandu, University of Helsinki.
Andrzej Tarlecki, Warsaw University.
Frank Wolter, University of Liverpool.
Other invited participants (to be confirmed)
Carlos Areces, Langue et Dialog (LED), INRIA Lorraine.
Marcelo Finger, IME, S?o Paulo University.
Joseph Goguen, University of California, San Diego.
Don Pigozzi, Iowa State University.
Luca Vigan?, ETH Zentrum, Z?rich.
Alberto Zanardo,University of Padova.