19-21 Sep 2012
Palermo, Italy
CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS The Sixth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC2012) continues to foster the growth of a new research community. The conference builds on the success of the past ICSC conferences as an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present research that advances the state of the art and practice of Semantic Computing, as well as identifying emerging research topics and defining the future of the field. The event is located in Palermo, Italy on the Piazza borsa hotel. The technical program of ICSC2012 includes workshops, invited keynotes, paper presentations, panel discussions, industrial "show and tells", demonstrations, and more. Submissions of high-quality papers describing mature results or on-going work are invited. The main goal of the conference is to foster the dialog between experts in each sub-discipline. Therefore we especially encourage submissions of work that is interesting to multiple areas, such as multimodal approaches. Workshops ============================================================ IEEE ICSC 2012: The Sixth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing September 19th- 21st, 2012 Palermo, Italy The IEEE ICSC 2012 organizing committee invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. All workshop proposals are welcome on specific topics of the main conference. The goal of the workshops is to provide an informal forum for researchers to discuss focused and/or emerging research questions and challenges. The typical duration for a workshop is one day. The organizer(s) of approved workshops are responsible for advertising the workshop, distributing the call for papers, gathering submissions, and conducting the paper review process. Important dates ============================================================ - The deadline for workshop proposals is Feb 20th, 2012. - Notifications: March 23rd, 2012. ============================================================ Any general questions regarding ICSC 2012 Workshops and workshop proposals should be directed to the Workshop Co-Chairs by using the following email address: ws-icsc12 at pa.icar.cnr.it Please add [ICSC2012-WS-Proposal] as subjects. Notes that the workshop submission deadline should preferably take place after ICSC notification and workshop paper notifications *must* be sent before the ICSC early registration deadline (which will be announced later). Each workshop proposal (pdf file) must include: (1) Title and acronym. (2) Names, affiliations, and contact details of all organizers (please indicate a primary contact person to whom correspondence should be directed). (3) Short description (workshop format and duration, tentative call for papers, tentative invited speakers and members of the program committee). (4) Audience: research groups working in the field; (if applicable) details about previous editions of the workshop; related workshops in other venues; expected number of submissions. (5) One paragraph about each organizer (scientific profile, previous events you have organized). (6) Every information you deem to be relevant. Policy: * all workshop participants, including the organizer, are required to register for both the workshop and the main conference. All workshop participants are required to register for both the workshop and the main conference. * Due to budget reasons, a workshop might be canceled if there are not enough submissions or registrations. * Proceedings: The organizers will provide a single pdf file to be posted on the website.