Logic List Mailing Archive

First Amsterdam Workshop on Decomposing and Regenerating Syntactic Trees

12 January 2012
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

First Amsterdam Workshop on Decomposing and Regenerating Syntactic Trees
Date and time: Thursday 12 January 2012, 14:00 - 18:00
Location: Room 110, Oude Manhuispoort 4-6, Amsterdam.


PhD defense: Federico Sangati
Title: Decomposing and Regenerating Syntactic Trees
Date and time: Thursday 12 January 2012, 10:00
Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
Promotor: Rens Bod
Copromotor: Willem Zuidema

An electronic version of the dissertation can be found here: 

For more information, please contact federico.sangati@gmail.com.