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AISS: Algorithmics of Infinite State Systems

29 June 2012
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Workshop "Algorithmics of Infinite State Systems (AISS)"
               Dubrovnik, June 29, 2012
           (satellite workshop of LICS 2012)


The workshop provides the opportunity to assess recent scientific
advances and exchange ideas on the algorithmic theory of infinite
state systems. Infinite state systems arise in many areas of
computer science. Typical examples are recursive programs,
communicating systems with unbounded buffers, and real time systems.
Important algorithmic techniques dealing with infinite state systems
include model checking, reachability and equivalence checking.

We invite submissions on the following topics (no order) as well
as thereto related areas:

- abstract machine models for infinite state systems
   (e.g. pushdown systems, higher-order pushdown systems, counter automata)
- Petri nets
- automatic structures
- well-structured transition systems
- rewriting formalisms for infinite state systems
   (e.g. ground tree rewriting)
- higher-order recursion schemes
- algorithmic model theory
- games on infinite arenas
- model checking for infinite state systems
   (e.g. model checking for MSO, FO, CTL, LTL, mu-calculus)
- equivalence checking for infinite state systems
   (e.g. bisimulation equivalence checking)
- decomposition techniques for infinite state systems
   (e.g. Feferman/Vaught decompositions)
- reachability in infinite state systems

***Invited Speakers***

- Lukasz Kaiser (LIAFA, Paris)
- Slawomir Lasota (Warsaw)


Submissions should consist of an abstract of at most 4 pages.
We do not plan to have a published proceedings or special issue
for a journal. Theorefore, already published recent work is
welcome too.

Submissions should be made via the easy chair system:


***Programm committee***

- Stefan Goeller, Bremen (co-chair)
- Antonin Kucera, Brno
- Jerome Leroux, Bordeaux
- Markus Lohrey, Leipzig (co-chair)
- Luke Ong, Oxford
- Philippe Schnoebelen, Cachan

***Important dates***

- Submissions by March 20th, 2012
- Notification by April 10th, 2012
- Workshop: June 29, 2012


Stefan Goeller
University of Bremen

Markus Lohrey
University of Leipzig