2-3 July 2012
Birmingham, U.K.
CALL FOR PAPERS NATURAL/UNCONVENTIONAL COMPUTING AND ITS PHILOSOPHICAL SIGNIFICANCE @ AISB/IACAP, 2nd - 6th July 2012 https://sites.google.com/site/naturalcomputingaisbiacap2012 & http://www.mrtc.mdh.se/~gdc/work/CFP-NC-2011-11-14.htm Symposium on Natural computing/unconventional computing and its philosophical significance https://sites.google.com/site/naturalcomputingaisbiacap2012 is part of the AISB/IACAP World Congress 2012 in honour of Alan Turing, 2-6 July 2012 http://events.cs.bham.ac.uk/turing12**** ** ** KEYNOTE/ INVITED SPEAKERS**** Natural/Unconventional Computing:**** SUSAN STEPNEY (keynote) http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/susan**** BARRY S. COOPER (keynote) http://www1.maths.leeds.ac.uk/~pmt6sbc**** HECTOR ZENIL (invited) http://www.mathrix.org/zenil**** RON COTTAM (invited) http://life.etro.vub.ac.be**** GIULIO CHIRIBELLA (invited) http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca**** PHILIP GOYAL (invited) http://www.philipgoyal.org/**** ** ** Representation and Computationalism:**** GIANFRANCO BASTI (keynote) http://www.stoqatpul.org/lat/professors/basti_i.html**** GIULIO SANDINI (keynote) http://www.rbcs.iit.it**** JENNIFER HUDIN (invited) http://berkeley.edu**** HAROLD BOLEY (invited) http://www.cs.unb.ca/~boley**** ** ** OCCASION**** The AISB/IACAP World Congress programme, which serves both as the year's AISB Convention and the year's IACAP conference, is honouring Alan Turing,** ** and the broad and deep significance of Turing's work to AI, to the philosophical ramifications of computing, and to philosophy and computing in general.**** The Congress is one of the events forming the Alan Turing Year http://www.turingcentenary.eu**** ** ** SCOPE**** Even though Turing is best known for Turing machine and Turing test, his contribution is significantly wider.**** He was among the first to pursue what Denning (2007) calls ?computing as natural science?, and thus Hodges (1997) describes Turing as natural philosopher:**** ?He thought and lived a generation ahead of his time, and yet the features of his thought that burst the boundaries of the 1940s are better described by the antique words: natural philosophy.?**** ** ** The symposium addresses, but is not limited to, the following topics, grouped in two tracks:**** ** ** I) NATURAL COMPUTING/UNCONVENTIONAL COMPUTING**** This track will address the emerging paradigm of natural computing, and its philosophical consequences with different aspects including (but not limited to):**** - Theoretical and philosophical view of natural computing/unconventional computing with its philosophical significance (such as understanding of computational processes in nature and in human mind).**** - Differences between conventional and unconventional computing.**** - Digital vs analog & discrete vs continuous computing**** - Recent advances in natural computation (as computation found in nature, including organic computing; computation performed by natural materials and computation inspired by nature)**** - Computation and its interpretation in a broader context of possible frameworks for modeling and implementing computation.**** It is important to bring philosophical reflection into the discussion of all the above topics.**** ** ** II) REPRESENTATION AND COMPUTATIONALISM**** This track highlights the relevance of the relationship between human representation and machine representation to bring out the main issues concerning the contrast between symbolic representation/processing on the one hand and nature-inspired, non-symbolic forms of computation on the other--with a special focus on connectionism. We also welcome work on hybrids of symbolic and non-symbolic representations. Particular movements that papers may wish to address are:**** -'Embedded, Embodied, Enactive' approach to cognitive science (from Varela et al)**** -'Dynamic Systems' approach (from, say, Port and Van Gelder);**** - Other representational possibilities that are clearly available: no representations or minimal representations;**** - Process/procedural representations (e.g. from Kevin O'Regan).**** ** ** IMPORTANT DATES**** Paper submission deadline: February 1, 2012.**** Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2012.**** Camera ready version deadline: March 30, 2012.**** Symposium: 2nd ? 3rd July, 2012.**** PAPER SUBMISSION**** Guidelines for paper submission are as follows:**** - The paper should be written in English.**** - The maximum length of a paper is 6 A4-sized pages in ECAI format (format download:**** http://www.aisb.org.uk/convention/aisb08/download.html).**** - The paper should be in PDF format.**** - Please choose one track between:**** NATURAL/UNCONVENTIONAL COMPUTING and**** REPRESENTATION AND COMPUTATIONALISM and submit via the online paper submission system at:**** https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ncaisbiacap2012**** PROGRAM COMMITTEE:**** Barry S Cooper**** Mark Burgin**** Bruce MacLennan**** Hector Zenil**** Koichiro Matsuno**** Vincent C. Müller**** William A Phillips**** Andree Ehresmann**** Leslie Smith**** Christopher D. Fiorillo**** Plamen Simeonov**** Marcin Schroeder**** Brian Josephson**** Shuichi Kato**** Walter Riofrio**** Craig A. Lindley**** Jordi Vallverdú**** Angela Ales Bello**** Gerard Jagers op Akkerhuis**** Harold Booley**** Cristophe Menant**** Rossella Fabbrichesi**** Giulio Chiribella**** Jennifer Hudin**** Philip Goyal**** Klaus Mainzer**** SYMPOSIUM CHAIRS**** Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Mälardalen University, Sweden**** Raffaela Giovagnoli, Pontifical Lateran University, Vatican City**** POSTERS AND SYSTEM DEMONSTRATIONS**** There will be one session for system demonstrations, and one day poster exhibition.**** PROCEEDINGS AND POST PROCEEDINGS**** There will be a separate proceedings for each symposium, produced before the Congress. Each delegate at the Congress will receive, on arrival, a memory stick containing the proceedings of all symposia.**** Selected papers, under a second review process, will be considered for a proceedings published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing and in the special issue of the journal Entropy http://www.mdpi.com/journal/entropy/special_issues/unconvent_computing**** ABOUT THE CONGRESS**** The Congress serves both as the year's AISB Convention and the year's IACAP conference. The Congress has been inspired by a desire to honour Alan Turing, and by the broad and deep significance of Turing's work to AI, to the philosophical ramifications of computing, and to Philosophy and computing more generally. The Congress is one of the events forming the Alan Turing Year (http://www.mathcomp.leeds.ac.uk/turing2012/).**** The intent of the Congress is to stimulate a particularly rich interchange between AI and Philosophy on any areas of mutual interest, whether directly addressing Turing's own research output or not.**** The Congress will consist mainly of a number of collocated Symposia on specific research areas, interspersed with Congress-wide refreshment breaks, social events and invited Plenary Talks. All papers other than the invited Plenaries will be given within Symposia.**** CONTACTS**** For further inquiries please contact the symposium chairs:**** gordana.dodig-crnkovic@mdh.se (Natural/ unconventional computing and its philosophical significance)**** and raffa.giovagnoli@tiscali.it.(Representation and Computation)****