Logic List Mailing Archive

IWIL-2012: "Implementation of Logics" & APS-6: "Analytic Proof Systems"

10 Mar 2012
Merida, Venezuela

                        CALLS FOR WORKSHOP PAPERS

    IWIL-2012 - The 9th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics


        APS-6 - The 6th International Workshop on Analytic Proof Systems

              to be held on March 10, 2012, in conjunction with

                   The 18th International Conference on
         Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning
                    Merida, Venezuela - March 11-15, 2012

                  Call for Papers

   9th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics


The 9th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics will be
held in March 2012 in conjunction with the 18th International
Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and
Reasoning in Merida, Venezuela.

We are looking for contributions describing implementation techniques
for and implementations of automated reasoning programs, theorem
provers for various logics, logic programming systems, and related
technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

+ Propositional logic and decision procedures, including SMT
+ First-order and higher order logics
+ Formal foundations for efficient implementation of logics
+ Data structures and algorithms for the efficient representation and
   processing of logical concepts
+ Proof search organization and heuristics for logical reasoning systems
+ Practical constraint handling
+ Reasoning with ontologies
+ Implementation of efficient theorem provers for different logics
+ Implementation of efficient model finders for different logics
+ Implementation of efficient systems for other processes in logic
+ System descriptions of logical reasoning systems
+ Issues of reliability, witness generation, and  witness verification
+ Evaluation and benchmarking of provers and other logic-based systems
+ I/O standards and communication between reasoning systems

We are particularly interested in contributions that help the community to
understand how to build useful and powerful reasoning systems, and how to
apply them in practice.

Researchers interested in participating are invited to submit a position
statement (2 pages), a short paper (up to 5 pages), or a full paper (up to
15 pages). Submissions should be made via EasyChair at


Submissions will be refereed by the program committee, which will select a
balanced program of high-quality contributions.

Submissions should be in standard-conforming PDF. Final versions will be
required to be submitted in LaTeX using the easychair.cls class file.
Proceedings will be published as EasyChair Proceedings.

If number and quality of the submissions warrant it, we plan to produce a
special issue of a recognized journal on the topic of the workshop.

Important Dates:

   Submission of papers/abstracts:  January 17th, 2012
   Notification of acceptance:      February 13th, 2012
   Camera ready versions due:       February 27th, 2012
   Workshop:                        March 10th, 2012 (preliminary)

Program committee:

   Eugenia Ternovska (Co-Chair)  Simon Fraser University, Vancouver
   Konstantin Korovin (Co-Chair) University of Manchester
   Stephan Schulz (Co-Chair)     TU Muenchen
   Christoph Benzmueller         FU Berlin
   Armin Biere                   Johannes-Kepler Universitaet Linz
   Jasmin Blanchette             TU Muenchen
   Leonardo De Moura             Microsoft Research
   Marc Denecker                 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
   Krystof Hoder                 University of Manchester
   Yevgeny  Kazakov              University of Oxford
   Boris Konev                   University of Manchester
   Daniel Le Berre               Universite d'Artois
   Albert Oliveras               Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
   Jens Otten                    Universitaet Potsdam
   Adam Pease                    Articulate Software
   Renate Schmidt                University of Manchester
   Peter Schneider-Kamp          Syddansk Universitet
   Mark Stickel                  SRI International
   Christoph Sticksel            University of Manchester
   Geoff Sutcliffe               University of Miami
            Other members to be confirmed

Call for submissions:
6th International Workshop on Analytic Proof Systems
will be held March 10, 2012 in the context of LPAR-18,
March 10-15, 2012, Merida, Venezuela

Analyticity is a topic that connects foundational issues in logic with
applications, mainly in automated deduction and analysis of proofs. The
workshop is primarily intended to enhance awareness for its topic and to
promote corresponding discussions and contacts between experienced experts
and younger colleagues.

Topics of Interests include
- Old and new types of analytic calculi: sequent calculi, tableaux, matrix
   systems, connection method, hypersequents, display calculus, deep
   inference, ...
- Cut elimination and normalization: new methods, complexity, abstract
   approaches, ...
- Proof search: modelling proof search, model extraction, disproving,
   decision procedures, ...
- Relation to other methods: analytic systems and resolution, lambda calculus,
   modal mu calculi, lambda-mu calculus, programming languages, ...
- Extracting information from proofs: extraction of algorithms, constructivity,
   model construction, Herbrand's theorem, ...
- Proof theoretic semantics and related topics: natural deduction, dialogue
   games, game semantics, ...


     Matthias Baaz, University of Technology, Vienna
     Christian Ferm?ller, University of Technology, Vienna

Please submit a 1-2 page abstract to analytic@logic.at by January 31, 2012.

The submissions will be reviewed by the organizers with the help of additional
external experts. Notification of acceptance is planned for February 6, 2012.

The abstracts selected for presentation will be made available electronically.
