27-28 Jan 2012
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
We are pleased to announce the closing workshop of the NWO project *On vagueness - and how to be precise enough* (2008-2012): "Vagueness in Language, Reasoning and Cognition". The workshop will bring together philosophers, semanticists, and psychologists working on the topic. Time: January 27-28, 2012. Location: de Doelenzaal (University Library, UvA), Singel 425, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Institute: The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation<http://www.illc.uva.nl/> (ILLC), University of Amsterdam. The invited speakers will be: Louise McNally <http://www.upf.edu/pdi/louise-mcnally/> (Pompeu Fabra University) Chris Barker <https://files.nyu.edu/cb125/public/> (New York University) Sigrid Beck <http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/eli/sigrid.beck/> (University of Tü bingen) Yael Greenberg <http://www.biu.ac.il/faculty/yael/> (Bar-Ilan University) Tamina Stephenson <http://sites.google.com/site/taminastephenson/> (Yale University) Peter Pagin <http://people.su.se/~ppagin/pagineng.htm> (Stockholm University) *Agustín Rayo <http://web.mit.edu/arayo/www/>* (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Pablo Cobreros <http://unav.academia.edu/PabloCobreros> (University of Navarra) Raquel Fernández <http://staff.science.uva.nl/~raquel/> (University of Amsterdam) Gerhard Jäger <http://www.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/~gjaeger/> (University of Tü bingen) Gert Storms <http://fac.ppw.kuleuven.be/lep/concat/gert/index.php> (University of Leuven) The project adviser: Ewan Klein <http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/ewan/> (University of Edinburgh) More details on the workshop will be provided on the official site<https://sites.google.com/site/vaguenesscircle/workshop> in due time (sites.google.com/site/vaguenesscircle/workshop). We hope to see you there! Best wishes, The organizers, Galit Sassoon Harald Bastiaanse Robert van Rooij Frank Veltman