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FEW 2012: Formal Epistemology Workshop

29 May - 1 Jun 2012
Munich, Germany

We are happy to announce that the Ninth Annual Formal Epistemology 
Workshop (FEW 2012) will be held in Munich, May 29 - June 1, 2012. This 
year's meeting is sponsored by the Munich Center for Mathematical 
Philosophy. The meeting will take place at the (stunningly beautiful) 
Nymphenburg Palace (compliments of the Carl Friedrich von Siemens 

 	Confirmed invited speakers include: David Christensen, Igor 
Douven, Sarah Moss, Eric Pacuit, Rohit Parikh, Jeff Paris, Paul Pedersen, 
Wlodek Rabinowicz, Charlotte Werndl, and Robbie Williams.

 	For Call for Papers with deadline January 15th, 2012, see 
http://loriweb.org/?p=15932 [http://loriweb.org/?p=15932] .

 	Some funding will be available for graduate student participation. 
Please contact Hannes Leitgeb for more information.

 	There will be two special (afternoon) sessions at this year's FEW. 
The first will be a special session on Logic & Rationality, which will 
include talks by David Christensen and Robbie Williams, and the second 
will be a memorial session for Horacio Arló-Costa, which will include 
talks (pertaining to Horacio's various seminal philosophical 
contributions) by Eric Pacuit, Rohit Parikh, and Paul Pedersen.

 	We will also have two (two part) tutorials, presented by Jeff 
Paris (inductive probability), and Charlotte Werndl (determinism, 
indeterminism, and underdetermination).

 	This year's local organizers are Hannes Leitgeb, Florian 
Steinberger, Vincenzo Crupi, and Ole Hjortland.

 	FEW 2012 is being funded by the Munich Center for Mathematical 

 	 http://fitelson.org/few/ [http://fitelson.org/few/]