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PhD student position in formal epistemology, Konstanz (Germany), Deadline: 31 July 2011 (tomorrow!)
Stellenausschreibung der Universität Konstanz
Wissenschaftlich Beschäftigte - Kennziffer 2011/084
The University of Konstanz is one of the nine Universities of Excellence
in the Federal Republic of Germany.
The Formal Epistemology Research Group invites applications for a
PhD Position (Salary Scale 13 TV-L/50 %)
in Theoretical Philosophy for an initial period of two years, starting
October 1st, 2011 or some date agreed upon. The Emmy Noether research
group Formal Epistemology is funded by the German Research Foundation and
is part of the Zukunftskolleg and the Department of Philosophy at the
University of Konstanz. Prerequisite for an appointment is a university
degree (Master degree).
The University of Konstanz is an equal opportunity employer and tries to
increase the number of women in research and teaching. The University of
Konstanz encourages disabled persons to apply. They will be given
preference if appropriately qualified (contact +49(0)7531/88-4895). The
University of Konstanz has been certified by the Hertie Foundation to be a
family-friendly institution. The University is committed to further the
compatibility of work and family life.
The position is subject to the positive evaluation of an interim report.
Applications with the reference number 2011/084 should include at least
two letters of reference as well as a description of the dissertation
project and/or a writing sample. Applications and inquiries should be sent
to: formal.epistemology@uni-konstanz.de by July 31, 2011.
Bewerbungsende: 31.07.2011