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Questions in Discourse

7-9 March 2012
Frankfurt, Germany

Questions in Discourse

Hosted by the Deutsch Gemeinschaft fur
March 7-9, 2012, Frankfurt am Main

Invited speakers
David Beaver
Jeroen Groenendijk
Malte Zimmermann

Call for papersThe proposed workshop focuses on the interaction of form 
and meaning of linguistic expressions with questions in discourse. It is 
well known that such an interaction exists, for instance, focus in an 
answer often corresponds to the wh-word in an explicit or implicit 
question, and some verbs can even embed overt or concealed questions. 
Recently, however, important progress has been achieved in this regard.

On the one hand, it has been shown that questions, in particular the 
question under discussion, affects the interpretation of natural language 
utterances more deeply than previously assumed, for instance, the 
interpretation of discourse particles seem to strongly depend on the 
question under discussion (Beaver & Clark 2008) and even classical 
phenomena such as presupposition projection have recently been argued to 
depend on the question under discussion in a substantial way (Simons et al 

On the other hand, recent developments in Inquisitive Semantics 
(Groenendijk & Roelofsen 2009) suggests that the class of natural language 
expressions that give rise to alternatives and invite the hearer to choose 
between these alternative includes not only questions but also all kinds 
of expressions related to disjunction and indefinites. This gives a new 
perspective on the meaning of natural language expressions in general as 
suggesting one or more potential updates of the common ground, and it 
gives rise to new tools in pragmatics e.g. for the computation of quantity 
implicatures and the grammatical structure of answers.

We invite theoretical papers or case studies that discuss the ways in which
questions can be captured in a discourse model, the interaction of questions
with the interpretation of other expressions, and the inquisitive nature of
disjunctive, indefinite, and interrogative constructions.
Instructions for authors
Authors can submit *anonymous* abstracts of at most *250 words *via
easychair <https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=qid2012>.
Important dates
Submission deadline:  August 15, 2011
Notification: September 15, 2011
Conference: March 7-9, 2012
Edgar Onea <http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/191592.html>
Floris Roelofsen <http://staff.science.uva.nl/~froelofs/>