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PT-AI 2011: Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence

3-4 Oct 2011
Thessaloniki, Greece

?Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence? PT-AI 2011
October 3 & 4, 2011
Thessaloniki, Anatolia College/ACT

The theory and philosophy of artificial intelligence has come to a crucial 
point where the agenda for the forthcoming years is in the air - this 
conference will try to set that agenda and to gather many of the key 

Invited Keynote Speakers:
Hubert Dreyfus (Berkeley)
James H. Moor (Dartmouth)
Rolf Pfeifer (Zurich)
Michael Wheeler (Stirling) TBC



We call for abstracts of papers on any aspect of the philosophy and theory 
of artificial intelligence. Publication of accepted papers in book form is 
currently under negotiation with several leading publishers. Abstracts and 
a list of speakers will be published online.

Deadline: 08.08.2011 (author notification: 31.08.2011)

Format: 500-1000 words (including references, anonymous). Pure text or 

Submission: Online at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ptai2011

Registration: Online at http://www.pt-ai.org/. Costs: 80? full, 40? for 
students (including conference dinner). Further information about travel 
etc. on our site.



Artificial Intelligence is perhaps unique among engineering subjects in 
that it has raised very basic questions about the nature of computing, 
perception, reasoning, learning, language, action, interaction, 
consciousness, humankind, life etc. etc. - and at the same time it has 
contributed substantially to answering these questions (in fact, it is 
sometimes seen as a form of empirical research). There is thus a 
substantial tradition of work, both on AI by philosophers and of theory 
within AI itself.

The classical theoretical debates have centered around the issues whether 
AI is possible at all (often put as ?Can machines think??) and whether it 
can solve certain problems (?Can a machine do x??). In the meantime, 
technical AI systems have progressed massively and are now present in many 
aspects of our environment. Despite this development, there is a sense 
that classical AI is inherently limited, and must be replaced by (or 
supplanted with) other methods from cognitive science or other 
disciplines, especially neural networks, embodied cognitive science, 
statistical methods, universal algorithms, emergence, behavioral robotics, 
interactive systems, dynamical systems, living and evolution, insights 
from biology & neuroscience, hybrid neuro-computational systems, social 
science, ethics, etc. etc. We are now at a stage where we can take a fresh 
look at the many theoretical and philosophical problems of AI - and at the 
same time tackle philosophical problems from AI. This must be a joint 
effort with people from various backgrounds, but it must centrally involve 
AI researchers.

Proposals for special theme workshops under the umbrella of the conference 
are welcome.

The conference intends to set the foundations for an international 
association "PT-AI" that will further work in the field, organize events, 

We welcome experts in the field from philosophy and from AI as well as new 
and upcoming scholars who will shape the field in the decades to come.

We gratefully acknowledge support from the EUCognition network EUCogII: 
http://www.eucognition.org PT-AI 2011 is academically sponsored by the 
International Association of Philosophy and Computing, 

Thank you for your time,

Vincent C. Mller
Chair, PT-AI 2011