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Non-classical modal and predicate logics

5-9 December 2011
Guangzhou, China

Call for papers

      *** Non-classical Modal and Predicate Logics ***
        Guangzhou (Canton), China, 5-9 December 2011

Modalities and predicates have since ancient time been central
notions of logic.  In the 20th century, various systems of
non-classical logics have emerged, with applications in many
disciplines like Computer Science, Linguistics, Mathematics,
and Philosophy.  This gave rise to the questions of non-classical
treatment of quantification and modalities and their accommodation
in these non-classical logics.  In response, various modal and
predicate variants of non-classical logics have been introduced
and studied in the past decades.

Although there are many good conferences on (mainly propositional)
non-classical logics, this conference is one solely dedictated to
modal and predicate non-classical logics. The aim of the conference
is to bring together researchers from various branches of non-classical
logics, not only to present recent advances in their particular fields,
but also to identify common problems and methods and foster the
exchange of ideas between researchers from separate fields.

Topics of interest:

* The study of first- or higher-order variants of non-classical
   logics, including, but not limited to:
   - Predicate intuitionistic and superintuitionistic logics
   - Predicate modal logics
   - Predicate substructural logics
   - Predicate many-valued and partial logics
   - Predicate paraconsistent logics
   - Predicate non-monotonic logics, etc.

* Non-classical theories of quantification over classical logic,
   such as:
   - Free logics
   - Branching quantifiers and IF-logic
   - Generalized quantifiers

* Extensions by modalities of (propositional or predicate)
   non-classical logics, including:
   - Modal extensions of (super)intuitionistic, substructural,
     many-valued, paraconsistent, non-monotonic, etc., logics
   - Co-algebraic treatment of modalities

We accept both purely theoretical works on the above logics coming
from all branches of mathematical logic (proof-theory, model theory,
game theory, computational complexity, etc.), as well as their
application in the foundation of mathematics (non-classical
mathematics), computer science, linguistics, philosophy, etc.

Strong papers on propositional logics can also be accepted, provided
they relate to the themes in the main scope of the conference (e.g.,
the study of completions in algebraic semantics, propositional
quantification, etc.).

Full versions of selected papers will be published in a special
issue of an international peer-reviewed journal (to be specified).

== Invited speakers ==

Gabriel Sandu
Hiroakira Ono
Mingsheng Ying
Rob Goldblatt
Valentin Shehtman
Xuefeng Wen

== Conference chairs ==

Shier Ju
Petr Cintula

== Program committee ==

Steve Awodey
Libor Behounek
Itala M.L. D'Ottaviano
Rosalie Iemhoff
Hu Liu
Michael Rathjen
Greg Restall
Yde Venema

== Organizing committee ==

Yuping Shen (chair)

== Contacts ==

Web:   http://logic.sysu.edu.cn/ncmpl2011
Email: ncmpl2011@easychair.org

== Conference fee ==

Foreign participants:   150 EUR
Chinese participants:  1000 RMB
Chinese students:       200 RMB

The conference fee covers accommodation and all meals
during the conference, coffee breaks, social program, and
conference materials.

== Submissions ==

Extended abstracts of 3-5 pages should be submitted via the
EasyChair web interface, see http://logic.sysu.edu.cn/ncmpl2011

== Important dates ==

Deadline for abstracts:          1 September 2011
Notification of acceptance:     20 September 2011
Conference:                     5-9 December 2011

Shier Ju and Petr Cintula
Conference chairs