29 Aug - 2 Sep 2011
Winchester, U.K.
========================================================================= CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: CALCO 2011 4th International Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science August 29 - September 2, 2011 Winchester, UK http://calco2011.ecs.soton.ac.uk/ ========================================================================= !! REGISTRATION NOW OPEN !! Early registration deadline: July 15, 2011 ========================================================================= CALCO aims to bring together researchers and practitioners with interests in foundational aspects, and both traditional and emerging uses of algebras and coalgebras in computer science. This is a high-level, bi-annual conference formed by joining the forces and reputations of CMCS (the International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science), and WADT (the Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques). Previous CALCO editions took place in Swansea (Wales, 2005), Bergen (Norway, 2007) and Udine (Italy, 2009). The fourth edition will be held in the city of Winchester (UK), a historic cathedral city and the ancient capital of Wessex and the Kingdom of England. CALCO 2011 will be preceded by the CALCO Young Researchers Workshop, CALCO-Jnr, dedicated to presentations by PhD students and by those who completed their doctoral studies within the past few years. The programme of CALCO will also comprise presentations of tools based on algebraic and/or coalgebraic principles, that have been selected in the context of a dedicated workshop, CALCO-Tools. -- INVITED SPEAKERS -- * Vincent Danos (UK): Energy as Syntax * Javier Esparza (Germany): Solving Fixed-Point Equations by Derivation Tree Analysis * Philippa Gardner (UK): Abstract Local Reasoning about Program Modules * Gopal Gupta (USA): Infinite Computation, Coinduction and Computational Logic -- CALCO ACCEPTED PAPERS -- * Clement Fumex, Neil Ghani and Patricia Johann. Indexed Induction and Coinduction, Fibrationally * Jort Bergfeld and Yde Venema. Model constructions for Moss' coalgebraic logic * Jiri Adamek, Mahdie Haddadi and Stefan Milius. From Corecursive Algebras to Corecursive Monads * Sergey Goncharov and Lutz Schroeder. A Counterexample to Tensorability of Effects * Camilo Rocha and Jose Meseguer. Proving Safety Properties of Rewrite Theories * Ekaterina Komendantskaya and John Power. Coalgebraic semantics for derivations in logic programming * Adriana Balan and Alexander Kurz. Finitary Functors: from Set to Preord and Poset * Joost Winter, Marcello Bonsangue and Jan Rutten. Context-Free Languages, Coalgebraically * Marta Bilkova, Alexander Kurz, Daniela Petrisan and Jiri Velebil. Relation Liftings on Preorders * Murdoch Gabbay, Tadeusz Litak and Daniela Petrisan. Stone duality for nominal Boolean algebras with `new': topologising Banonas * Bart Jacobs. Bases as Coalgebras * Thorsten Altenkirch, Peter Morris, Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg and Anton Setzer. A categorical semantics for inductive-inductive definitions * Jun Kohjina, Toshimitsu Ushio and Yoshiki Kinoshita. Coalgebraic Approach to Supervisory Control of Partially Observed Mealy Automata * Ichiro Hasuo. The Microcosm Principle and Compositionality of GSOS-Based Component Calculi * Mihai Codescu and Till Mossakowski. Refinement trees: calculi, tools and applications * Baltasar Trancon Y Widemann and Hauhs Michael. Distributive-Law Semantics for Cellular Automata and Agent-Based Models * Corina Cirstea. Model Checking Linear Coalgebraic Temporal Logics: an Automata-Theoretic Approach * Katsuhiko Sano. Generalized Product of Coalgebraic Hybrid Logics * Rasmus Ejlers Mogelberg and Sam Staton. Linearly-used state in models of call-by-value * Fredrik Dahlqvist and Dirk Pattinson. On the fusion of coalgebraic modal logics * Manuel A. Martins, Alexandre Madeira, Razvan Diaconescu and Luis Barbosa. Hybridization of Institutions -- CALCO-Tools ACCEPTED PAPERS -- * Luca Aceto, Georgiana Caltais, Eugen-Ioan Goriac and Anna Ingolfsdottir. PREG Axiomatizer - A Ground Bisimilarity Checker for GSOS with Predicates * Pawel Sobocinski and Jennifer Lantair. WiCcA: LTS generation tool for wire calculus * Francisco Duran, Camilo Rocha and Jose Maria Alvarez. Tool Interoperability in the Maude Formal Environment * Andre Martins, Luis Barbosa and Nuno Rodrigues. SHACC: A functional animator for a component calculus * Ulrich Berger, Kenji Miyamoto, Helmut Schwichtenberg and Monika Seisenberger. Minlog - A Tool for Program Extraction Supporting Algebras and Coalgebras * Musab Alturki and Jose Meseguer. PVeStA: A Parallel Statistical Model Checking and Quantitative Analysis Tool -- LOCATION -- Winchester is a beautiful historic city in southern England, known for its 11th-century cathedral and 12th-century castle. It is located just under an hour by rail from London Waterloo, and 15 minutes by road or rail from Southampton Airport. London Heathrow is 50 miles away and London Gatwick 72 miles away. -- GRANTS -- CALCO has limited funds to support the attendance of PhD students. Details on how to apply are available on the CALCO 2011 website. -- FURTHER INFORMATION -- Queries should be emailed to calco2011@ecs.soton.ac.uk .