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Last CfPart: GAMES-EPIT Spring School, Carcans-Maubuisson (France)

23-27 May 2011

Please note that the deadline for registration is **April the 4th **.

              GAMES-EPIT Spring School 2011, last call
                  May 23 to 27,
                Carcans-Maubuisson, France


The GAMES-EPIT Spring School 2011 is the 38th School in the series of
"Ecole de Printemps d'Informatique Théorique"
(http://epit.univ-paris-diderot.fr/) and is supported by the ESF project
"GAMES for Design and Verification" (http://www.games.rwth-aachen.de/).

The school will consist of nine lectures presenting important
developments in language theory, automata, and games:

* Basic topology and game determinacy (Jacques Duparc, Lausanne)
* Basic stochastic games (Hugo Gimbert, Bordeaux)
* Basics about algebraic approach to languages (Marc Zeitoun, Bordeaux)
* Stochastic pushdown games (Antonín Ku?era, Brno)
* Algebraic approach to tree languages (Miko?aj Boja?czyk, Warsaw)
* Profinite approach to language theory (Jean-Éric Pin, Paris)
* Games, recursion schemes, and semantics (Luke Ong, Oxford)
* Automata with counters (Thomas Colcombet, Paris)
* Automatic structures (Markus Lohrey, Leipzig)

The lectures are intended to be accessible to a wide audience, but some
familiarity with automata theory and logic is recommended.

Date and Venue
The GAMES-EPIT Spring School 2011 will take place from
Monday, May 23rd to Friday, May 27th, in France, near Bordeaux, in

Participation and Registration
The GAMES-EPIT Spring School 2011 addresses primarily to PhD students
and young researchers, but more senior participants are also very welcome.

The number of participants will be limited to 90.

Participants will have to pay a contribution of 350 Euro to cover
accommodation, breakfasts, lunches, dinners and coffee breaks for the
whole duration of the school. Thanks to the sponsorship of CNRS, the
school is free for full-time CNRS researchers. ESF-GAMES offers a
number of grants for other participants.

Registration is accessible through the  web-page of the conference


Registration before *April the 4th*.

The school is sponsored by the ESF Research Networking Programme
"Games for Design and Verification", by CNRS, and by the GdR "Informatique

The school is organized by Hugo Gimbert and Igor Walukiewicz.
For further information please visit the school's web site, or write to