9-11 June 2011
Bonn, Germany
Contexts, Perspectives, and Relative Truth 9-11 June 2011 University of Bonn http://rvps2011.net/relativism/ Surely, we might have different opinions about whether or not it is fun to ride a roller coaster. But can they both be true? And are we really disagreeing in case they are? Relativists typically tend to answer both questions in the affirmative. As innocent as this position may seem at first sight, it certainly involves some rather dramatic changes in the way philosophers usually think about formal semantics. Then again, these changes seem to offer elegant solutions to further problems besetting semantics, such as the assessment of future contingents, the variability of knowledge ascriptions and the correct analysis of epistemic modals. The conference will be concerned with different relativist proposals, with its consequences, and with possible alternative analyses of the phenomena motivating relativism. Speakers: Kent Bach (San Francisco) Elke Brendel (Bonn) Jessica Brown (St. Andrews) Herman Cappelen (St. Andrews) Wayne Davis (Georgetown) Andy Egan (Rutgers) Manuel García Carpintero (Barcelona) Christoph Jäger (Innsbruck) Nikola Kompa (Bern) Max Kölbel (Barcelona) Peter Lasersohn (Illinois) Dan López de Sa (Barcelona) Duncan Pritchard (Edinburgh) Jonathan Schaffer (ANU/Rutgers) Benjamin Schnieder (HU Berlin) Contact information and registration: relativism@uni-bonn.de Organization: Elke Brendel & Erik Stei Institut für Philosophie Universität Bonn The conference is part of the Rhine Valley Philosophy Summer 2011, a series of independently organized philosophical events. See http://rvps2011.net/ for further information.