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FCT 2011: Fundamentals of Computation Theory

22-25 Aug 2011
Oslo, Norway

Call for Papers

                              FCT 2011
    18th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory
                    August 22-25, 2011, Oslo, Norway


Submission Deadline:          Tuesday,  5.  April 2011
Author Notification:          Monday,   6.  June  2011
Camera ready manuscript:      Friday   17.  June  2011


- Yuri Gurevich (Microsoft Research, Redmond USA)
- Daniel Lokshtanov (University of California, USA)
- Jose Meseguer (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)


The Symposium on  Fundamentals of  Computation Theory was  established
in 1977 for researchers interested in all aspects of theoretical
computer science, as well as new emerging  fields such as
bio-inspired computing. It is a biennial series of conferences
previously held in Poznan (Poland, 1977), Wendisch-Rietz
(Germany,  1979),  Szeged (Hungary, 1981),  Borgholm (Sweden,  1983),
Cottbus (Germany, 1985),  Kazan (Russia, 1987),  Szeged (Hungary,
1989), Gosen-Berlin (Germany,  1991),  Szeged (Hungary,  1993),
Dresden (Germany,  1995), Krakow (Poland,  1997),  Iasi (Romania,
1999), Riga (Latvia,  2001), Malmo (Sweden, 2003), Lubeck (Germany,
2005), Budapest (Hungary, 2007), and Wroclaw (Poland, 2009).


The conference proceedings will be published  (as usual) in the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series of Springer-Verlag.


Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original unpublished
research in all areas of theoretical computer science. Topics of
interest include (but are not limited to):

      * Algorithms:
            o algorithm design and optimization
            o combinatorics and analysis of algorithms
            o computational complexity
            o approximation, randomized, and heuristic methods
            o parallel and distributed computing
            o circuits and boolean functions
            o online algorithms
            o machine learning and artificial intelligence
            o computational geometry
            o computational algebra
      * Formal methods:
            o algebraic and categorical methods
            o automata and formal languages
            o computability and nonstandard computing models
            o database theory
            o foundations of concurrency and distributed systems
            o logics and model checking
            o models of reactive, hybrid and stochastic systems
            o principles of programming languages
            o program analysis and transformation
            o specification, refinement and verification
            o security
            o type systems
      * Emerging fields:
            o ad hoc, dynamic, and evolving systems
            o algorithmic game theory
            o computational biology
            o foundations of cloud computing and ubiquitous systems
            o quantum computation

The submission drafts should have at most 12 pages and be formated in
the LNCS style. The paper should provide sufficient detail to allow
the Program Committee to evaluate its validity, quality, and
relevance. If necessary, detailed proofs can be attached as an
appendix. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published
proceedings or journals is not allowed.
Paper submission and reviewing is handled via EasyChair:



    - Olaf Owe          (U. of Oslo)
    - Martin Steffen    (U. of Oslo)
    - Jan Arne Telle    (U. of Bergen)


Erika Abraham         (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Wolfgang Ahrendt      (Chalmers, Sweden)
David Coudert         (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France)
Camil Demetrescu      (La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
Johan Dovland         (U. of Oslo, Norway)
Jiri Fiala            (Charles University, Czech Republic)
Martin Hofmann        (LMU Munich, Germany)
Thore Husfeldt        (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Alexander Kurz        (U. of Leicester, UK)
Andrzej Lingas        (Lund University, Sweden)
Peter Olveczky        (U. of Oslo, Norway)
Olaf Owe              (U. of Oslo, Norway) - co-chair
Miguel Palomino       (U. Complutense, Madrid, Spain)
Yuri Rabinovich       (U. of Haifa, Israel)
Saket Saurabh         (Inst. of Mathematical Sciences, India)
Kaisa Sere            (Aabo Akademi University, Finland)
Martin Steffen        (U. of Oslo, Norway) - co-chair
Jan Arne Telle        (U. of Bergen, Norway) - co-chair
Tarmo Uustalu         (Inst. of Cybernetics, Tallinn, Estonia)
Ryan Williams         (IBM Almaden, USA)
Gerhard Woeginger     (U. of Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
David R. Wood         (U. of Melbourne, Australia)
Wang Yi               (Uppsala University, Sweden)


Bogdan Chlebus          (Warszawa/Denver, Poland/USA)
Zoltan Esik             (Szeged, Hungary)
Marek Karpinski - chair (Bonn, Germany)
Andrzej Lingas          (Lund, Sweden)
Miklos Santha           (Paris, France)
Eli Upfal               (Providence, USA)


FCT 2011 will host several affiliated events. These will take part
after the main symposium, on the 26 August 2011. More information
about each event can be found on their specific web-pages.

- Doctoral Symposium affiliated with FCT'11
web: http://fct11.ifi.uio.no/index.php?n=Workshops.DoctoralSymposium

- Workshop on Overcoming Challenges for Security and Dependability
web: http://www.mi.fu-berlin.de/secdep/workshop/2011/cfp.html
