Logic List Mailing Archive

LCC'11: Logic and Computational Complexity

25 June 2011
Toronto ON, Canada


The Twelfth International Workshop on Logic and Computational Complexity
will be held in Toronto on June 25, 2011, as an affiliated meeting
of LiCS'11 (http://www2.informatik.hu-berlin.de/lics/lics11/).

LCC meetings are aimed at the foundational interconnections between
logic and computational complexity, as present, for example,  in
implicit computational complexity (descriptive and type-theoretic methods);
deductive formalisms as they relate to complexity (e.g. ramification,
weak comprehension, bounded arithmetic, linear logic and resource logics);
complexity aspects of finite model theory and databases;
complexity-mindful program derivation and verification;
computational complexity at higher type; and proof complexity.

The LCC'11 program will consist of invited lectures as well as
contributed papers selected by the program committee.  This year there
will be no published proceedings, and we welcome informal
presentations about work in progress, survey papers, as well as work
submitted or published elsewhere, provided all pertinent information
is disclosed at submission time.  Submissions in the form of an
extended abstract of approx. 5 pages are welcome. If full papers
are submitted, they should not exceed 15 pages.  Proposed papers
should be uploaded to https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lcc2011
by 20 April 2011.


Paper submission deadline:       20 April
Authors' notification:           10 May
LCC'11 workshop:                 25 June

For additional information see http://www.cs.swansea.ac.uk/lcc2011/
or www.cs.indiana.edu/lcc, or email inquiries to u.berger@swansea.ac.uk
or denis@cs.mcgill.ca Further information about previous
LCC meetings can be found at http://www.cis.syr.edu/~royer/lcc.


     * Ulrich Berger (Swansea, Co-Chair)
     * Denis Therien (McGill Montreal, Co-Chair)
     * Klaus Aehlig (Southampton)
     * Arnold Beckmann (Swansea)
     * Guillaume Bonfante (LORIA Nancy)
     * Ugo Dal Lago (Bologna)
     * Phuong Nguyen (McGill Montreal)
     * Luca Roversi (Torino)
     * Thomas Schwentick (TU Dortmund)
     * Howard Straubing (Boston College)
     * Kazushige Terui (Kyoto)
     * Heribert Vollmer (Hanover)

STEERING COMMITTEE: Michael Benedikt (Oxford, Co-chair),
Daniel Leivant (Indiana U, Co-chair), Robert Constable (Cornell),
Anuj Dawar (Cambridge), Fernando Ferreira (Lisbon),
Martin Hofmann (U Munich), Neil Immerman (U Mass. Amherst),
Neil Jones (Copenhagen), Bruce Kapron (U Victoria),
Stefan Kreutzer (Oxford), Jean-Yves Marion (LORIA Nancy),
Luke Ong (Oxford), Martin Otto (Darmstadt), James Royer (Syracuse),
Helmut Schwichtenberg (U Munich), and Pawel Urzyczyn (Warsaw)