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Third European Set Theory Conference

3-8 July 2011
Edinburgh, Scotland

- Call for Applications -

Third European Set Theory Conference
ESF-EMS-ERCOM Conference - 3-8 July 2011, Edinburgh, UK
Closing date for applications: 27 March 2011

Full conference programme and application form are accessible online from 

Chair: Professor Philip Welch, University of Bristol, UK

Organising Committee: Professor Joan Bagaria, University of Barcelona, ES, 
Professor Menachem Magidor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, IL, 
Professor Jouko Väänänen, University of Helsinki, FI

Set Theory as was quickly recognized by David Hilbert more than 100 years 
ago, plays a fundamental foundational role in the intellectual 
underpinning of pure mathematics. Cantor's work on cardinality and 
wellorderings was seen to establish several basic areas of research whose 
threads we discern today and indeed will be emphasized in this conference: 
on the arithmetic of cardinal numbers themselves, and on the `descriptive 
set theory' that seeks to analyse the logical complexity of sets definable 
within mathematical language. Cantor's work derived from his study of 
trigonometric series, and modern set theory goes back to classical 
analysis as well as to modern Banach space theory, abstract algebra, 
ergodic theory, and dynamical systems to find fruitful applications.

Invited speakers will include:

  *   Uri Abraham, Ben-Gurion University, IL
  *   Peter Aczel, University of Manchester, UK
  *   David Aspero, National University of Colombia, CO (tbc)
  *   Andrew Brooke-Taylor, University of Bristol, UK
  *   Riccardo Camerlo, Polytechnic University of Turin, IT (tbc)
  *   Natasha Dobrinen, University of Denver, US
  *   Ilias Farah, York University, CA
  *   Jana Flaskova, University of West Bohemia Pilzen, CZ
  *   Vladimir Kanovei, Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education, RU
  *   Alexander Kechris, California Institute of Technology, US
  *   Piotr Koszmider, Polish Academy of Sciences and Technical University of Lodz, PL
  *   Alain Louveau, CNRS and University of Paris VI, FR (tbc)
  *   Heike Mildenberger, University of Freiburg, DE
  *   Benjamin Miller, University of Muenster, DE
  *   Grzegorz Plebanek, University of Wroclaw, PL
  *   Assaf Rinot, Ben-Gurion University, IL
  *   Christian Rosendal, University of Illinois at Chicago, US
  *   Ernest Schimmerling, Carnegie Mellon University, US
  *   Ralf-Dieter Schindler, University of Muenster, DE
  *   Dima Sinapova, University of California at Irvine, US
  *   Lajos Soukup, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HR
  *   Stevo Todorcevic, CNRS, FR and University of Toronto, CA (tbc)
  *   Benno van den Berg, Technical University of Darmstadt, DE
  *   Boban Velickovic, University of Paris VII, FR
  *   Matteo Viale, University of Torino, IT
  *   Hugh Woodin, University of California at Berkeley, US (tbc)

A good number of grants are available for young researchers to cover the 
conference fee and possibly part of the travel costs. Grant requests 
should be made by ticking appropriate field(s) in the paragraph "Grant 
application" of the application 

Full conference programme and application form are accessible online from 

ESF contact for further information: Anne Blondeel-Oman - 

Closing date for applications: 27 March 2011.

This conference is organised by the European Science Foundation 
(ESF)<http://www.esf.org/> in partnership with the European Mathematical 
Society (EMS)<http://www.euro-math-soc.eu/> and the European Research 
Centres on Mathematics (ERCOM)<http://www.ercom.org/>.