6-10 June 2011
Krakow, Poland
==================================================================== THIRD ANNOUNCEMENT ==================================================================== SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ORDER ALGEBRA AND LOGICS (Honoring Ralph McKenzie, Hiroakira Ono, and Andrzej Wronski on the occasion of their 70th Birthdays) June 6-10, 2011, Krakow, POLAND ==================================================================== The organizers of the 2nd OAL conference in Cracow kindly inform the following: The conference website http://2oal.tcs.uj.edu.pl contains up to date information about the conference, including how - to register: http://2oal.tcs.uj.edu.pl/register.html and - to submit an abstract of a proposed talk: http://2oal.tcs.uj.edu.pl/submissions.html With kind regards, Marcin Kozik /on behalf of the organizers/