Logic List Mailing Archive
special issue on multimodal logics of "Logica Universalis", deadline: 30 Apr 2011
Dear colleagues:
we are engaged into collecting good papers to the
"Special Issue on Multimodal Logics" to be published
by Logica Universalis.
Details at:
We believe that the subject of Multimodal Logics, seen from a wide
perspective, is already ripe for a special issue, and that people working
in monomodal logics such as temporal, doxastic, etc. as well as people
working in multimodalities from different perspectives such as arrow
logics or hybrid logics would profitfrom such a collection.
We have set up an extended deadline to ** April 30, 2011 ** and warmly
invite you to participate on this project.
Best regards,
Walter Carnielli
Claudio Pizzi
(University of Siena , Italy