Logic List Mailing Archive

"Modern Set Theory: Foundations and Applications"

1-5 Aug 2011
Ljubljana, Slovenia

          Modern Set Theory: Foundations & Applications
                Workshop held at ESSLLI 2011
                   Ljubljana, Slovenia
                    1-5 August 2011

                    Call for Papers

This workshop is organized and financially supported by the research networking 
programme INFTY: New frontiers of infinity: mathematical, philosophical, and 
computational prospects funded by the European Science Foundation (ESF).

Organizers: Mirna Dzamonja (University of East Anglia, U.K.) and Benedikt Löwe 
(Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands).

Tutorial speakers. Gregor Dolinar (Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenia), Martin 
Goldstern (Technische Universität Wien, Austria), and Jean Larson (University 
of Florida, U.S.A.).

Invited speaker. Grzegorz Plebanek (Uniwersytet Wroc?awski, Poland).

Programme Committee. Joan Bagaria (Universitat de Barcelona, Catalonia), Mirna 
zamonja (University of East Anglia, U.K.), Benedikt Löwe (Universiteit van 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands), and Jouko Väänänen (Helsingin Yliopisto, Finland 
and Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands).

The ESF network INFTY aims (among other things) at embedding set theory in the 
wider scope of modern logic and its applications, as represented at the ESSLLI 
schools. At the moment, the connections between the set theory community and 
the Logic, Language and Information (LLI) community are sparse, and yet, plenty 
of points of (potential) research contact exist; to name but one: the theory of 
infinite games is a central topic in modern set theory and plays an important 
role in many subfields of the Logic & Computation area of the LLI community. 
This workshop is funded and organized by INFTY in order to:

     * Present the lively and active research area of set theory to a broader 
audience of logicians;

     * Allow junior members of the set-theory community to present their 
research at an ESSLLI school in order to encourage them to interact with the 
broader logic community;

     * Offer logic students an overview of the current research trends in set 

We cordially invite all set theorists to submit their abstracts via the 
EasyChair submission page


Abstracts should be at most one page long and can be submitted as "abstract 
only" or as a PDF file via EasyChair. Research students and junior researchers 
are particularly encouraged to submit. All workshop participants will have to 
register for the ESSLLI summer school; speakers will be able to register at a 
reduced rate.

Important dates.

25 March 2011. Deadline for submission of abstracts.
15 April 2011. Notification of workshop contributors.
1-5 August 2011. Workshop.

Both the workshop 'Modern Set Theory: Foundations & Applications' and the 
foundational course 'Ordinals and Cardinals: Basic set-theoretic techniques in 
logic' are generously funded by the European Science Foundation in the research 
networking programme INFTY.