1-3 April 2011
Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.
EPISTEMOLOGY OF MODELING & SIMULATION University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA 1-3 April 2011 http://www.modelingepistemology.pitt.edu/ Call for Abstracts Building Bridges Between the Philosophical and Modeling Communities The conference will focus on philosophical issues that arise within the practice and application of contemporary research using modeling and simulation. The goal of this event is to bring together sophisticated work in philosophy of science and on-going efforts in modeling in order to build more effective collaboration between philosophers of science and those who build and employ models in a range of disciplines and applications. Topics will include: * The scientific status of computational techniques * Does simulation require a new epistemology? * The role of theory, experiment, model and simulation * Varieties and purposes of scientific simulation * Analytic modeling versus computer simulation * Problems of juggling multiple and competing models * How do models fail? * Validation and verification of models and simulations * Promises and pitfalls of large, detailed and realistic models Submission of extended abstracts is invited (1000 words) for presentations of approximately 30 minutes. Modeling work in any discipline or application is welcomed that includes philosophical reflection on epistemological issues raised. Philosophical work in any relevant area is welcomed, with preference given for work that includes a focus on specific examples of contemporary modeling. Projects that involve both philosophers and those active in modeling research, outcomes, or policy impact are particularly encouraged. Deadline for submission: January 7, 2011. Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2011. Please direct your submissions to www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ems2011. Directions for using EasyChair: To use EasyChair, one should first create an account. This is done to prevent misuse of the system. The procedure for obtaining an account is the following. 1. You should type the two words that you see in the image below and click on "Continue". 2. If you type the words correctly, you will be asked to fill out a simple form with your personal information. 3. After you filled out the form, EasyChair will send you an email with a link that you can use to create an account.