Logic List Mailing Archive

Workshop on Kleene Coalgebra

21 December 2010
Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Workshop on Kleene Coalgebra with Dexter Kozen, Luis Barbosa and Alexandra 

Dear Colleagues,

On the occasion of the PhD defense of Alexandra Silva, we are
organizing a workshop around the theme "Kleene Coalgebra", which
is the subject of Alexandra's thesis.

The program will consist of talks by

    - Dexter Kozen (Cornell)
    - Luis Barbosa (Minho)
    - Alexandra Silva (CWI)

Details on the program and precise location will follow later in
a separate email. The workshop will take place at

    Radboud University Nijmegen (RUN)
    Tuesday 21 December 2010 13:30 - 16:30

following the PhD defense, which takes place at 10.30 in the Aula
of the RUN (Comeniuslaan 2).

We will be organizing lunch just before the workshop. If you want
to join, please let us know, by sending an email  to Alexandra
(ams@cwi.nl), before the 15th December.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Nijmegen!

Best regards,

Marcello Bonsangue (LIACS & CWI)
Jan Rutten (CWI & RUN & VUA)
Alexandra Silva (CWI)