11 Nov 2010
New York NY, U.S.A.
NYCAC-3 (New York Colloquium on Automata and Complexity) We would like to inform you that NYCAC 3 will take place on November 11, 2010 (Thursday - all day) at the Graduate Center of CUNY in the Science Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, in New York. Speakers include: Martin Furer, Shafi Goldwasser, Neil Immerman, Dexter Kozen, Ken McAloon, Milena Mihail and Mihalis Yannakakis. The website is http://www.sci.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~zachos/nycac3/ We expect to post the full program later this week. Rohit Parikh and Antonis Achilleos (organizers) ------------------------------------------------------ Computer Science, Mathematics, Philosophy http://web.cs.gc.cuny.edu/~kgb/ --------------------------------------------------------------------