Logic List Mailing Archive

TCSA Day: Theoretical Computer Science Amsterdam

29 Oct 2010
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dear All

We are happy to invite you to the second annual

    Theoretical Computer Science Amsterdam (TCSA) Day

which will take place on

    Friday October 29, 2010
    at CWI, Science Park 123, Euler-room

    Euler room = room Z009
    take the door to the left of the revolving
    door which is CWI's main entrance

Please forward this announcement also to your PhD and Master's students!

The programme consists of six talks by researchers from CWI, UvA, and VU.
The schedule is as follows; the abstracts of the talks can be found below
and also on the webpage mentioned above.

09:30       coffee

10:00-10:45 Jan Rutten (CWI)
              Behavioural differential equations --
              a concrete framework for coinductive definitions

10:45-11:15 coffee

11:15-12:00 Pieter Adriaans (UvA)
              Facticity and meaningful information

12:00-12:45 Ulle Endriss (UvA)
              Complexity of judgment aggregation

12:45-14:00 lunch (not organised)

14:00-14:45 Harry Buhrman (CWI)
              Position-based quantum cryptography:
              impossibility and constructions

14:45-15:30 Piet Rodenburg (UvA)
              Structuring partial algebras

15:30-16:00 tea

16:00-16:45 Jan Willem Klop (VU)
              Defining, transforming and comparing infinite streams

There is no need to register.  Tea and coffee will be provided.
Lunch is not organised, but there is a cafetaria in the CWI
building and another one at the UvA building across the street.

The TCSA Day is intended to be an annual event, taking place
in the Fall, to alternate with the national NVTI Theory Day
that takes place in Spring.
Last year's edition took place at the VU:
The event is organized jointly by CWI, UvA, and VU.
Its Steering Committee consists of
     Jan Bergstra (UvA)
     Wan Fokkink (VU)
     Harry Buhrman (CWI)

With kind regards,
    the organizers:
    Alban Ponse (a.ponse@uva.nl)
    Femke van Raamsdonk (femke@cs.vu.nl)
    Leen Torenvliet (l.torenvliet@uva.nl)
    Ronald de Wolf (rdewolf@cwi.nl)