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SAT 2011: Satisfiability Testing

19-22 June 2011
Ann Arbor MI, U.S.A.

                          PRELIMINARY CALL FOR PAPERS

                                        SAT 2011
                 14th International Conference on Theory and
                       Applications of Satisfiability Testing
                   June 19-22, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.


                 Associated Workshops: June 18 and June 23

The International Conference on Theory and Applications of
Satisfiability Testing is the primary annual meeting for researchers
studying the propositional satisfiability problem. SAT 2011
(http://www.lri.fr/SAT2011) is the fourteenth SAT conference and
features the SAT competition, the Pseudo-Boolean evaluation, and the
MAX-SAT evaluation.

Many hard combinatorial problems can be encoded as SAT instances,
including problems that arise in hardware and software verification,
AI planning and scheduling, OR resource allocation, etc. The
theoretical and practical advances in SAT research over the past dozen
years have contributed to making SAT technology an indispensable tool
in many of these domains. The SAT conference aims to further advance
the field by soliciting original theoretical and practical
contributions on a wide range of topics including, but are not limited
to proof systems, proof complexity, search algorithms, heuristics,
analysis of algorithms, hard instances, randomized formulae, problem
encodings, industrial applications, solvers, simplifiers, tools, case
studies and empirical results. SAT is interpreted in a rather broad
sense: besides propositional satisfiability, it includes the domain of
quantified boolean formulae (QBF), constraints programming techniques
(CSP) for word-level problems and their propositional encoding and
particularly satisfiability modulo theories (SMT).

Submissions should contain original material up to 14 page, and use
the Springer LNCS style. All appendices, tables, figures and the
bibliography must fit into the page limit. Submissions deviating from
these requirements may be rejected without review. All accepted papers
will be published in the proceedings of the conference. The conference
proceedings will be published within the Springer LNCS series.

The paper submission page is

LNCS style authors instructions is

  December 17, 2010: Workshop Proposals
  February 11, 2011: Abstract Submission
  February 18, 2011: Paper Submission
  March 18, 2011: Author Notification
  April 1, 2011: Final Version

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for
associated workshops on related topics. Workshops will have to be
financially self-supporting. Proposals should consist of two
parts. First, a short scientific justification of the proposed topic,
its significance, and the particular benefits of the workshop to the
community, as well as a list of previous or related workshops (if
relevant). A second, organizational part should include contact
information of the workshop organizers, procedures for selecting
papers and participants, estimate of the audience size and a tentative
list of the program committee. Proposals are due by December 17, 2010
and must be submitted electronically as a PDF files, by email, to both
SAT Conference Chairs: karem@umich.edu and simon@lri.fr.

Karem A. Sakallah, University of Michigan, USA
Laurent Simon, University of Paris-Sud 11, France


SAT Competition 2011
    web site:
    - Daniel Le Berre
    - Matti Jarvisalo
    - Olivier Roussel

MAX-SAT Evaluation 2011
    web site:
    - Josep Argelich
    - Chu-Min Li
    - Felip Manya
    - Jordi Planes

PB Evaluation 2011
    web site:
    - Vasco Manquinho
    - Olivier Roussel