Logic List Mailing Archive

Postdoctoral fellowship in "Foundations of Logical Consequence" (18m), St Andrews (Scotland), Deadline: 11 Oct 2010

Dear Colleagues (apologies for cross-posting),

As you may have heard, Ole Hjortland, currently Research Fellow on the FLC 
project here at St Andrews, has accepted a three-year post in Munich with 
Hannes Leitgeb, starting on 1 January 2011. We will be sad to see him go 
(but he will join the wider network that Arch and FLC have - and he will 
be back regularly).

We therefore need to replace Ole on the project, and so we have today 
advertised a Research Fellowship for 18 months starting on 1 January 2011. 
The details are here:


Please publicise this as widely as you can, and encourage good applicants 
to apply. Thanks very much. With best regards,


PS Next big FLC event: 'Logic or logics?' 
Stephen Read
Professor of History and Philosophy of Logic
Arch/Logic and Metaphysics
University of St Andrews
Scotland KY16 9AL, U.K.
(The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland : No 