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Postdoc Position SPIRIT Project (Computer Science), Utrecht Universiteit

Utrecht University
SPIRIT Project


    The goal of the SPIRIT project (SPatially-aware Information Retrieval
on the InterneT) is to develop an Internet search engine that is targeted
at geographically oriented searches. The contribution of Utrecht to the
project is the research on and development of ranking of the query results
by relevance with respect to the spatial query. Research involves the
study of geographic measures for resemblance, distance, and other spatial
concepts.  Another research topic is the geometric and algorithmic aspects
of the automated extraction of meta-data from web pages that contain
geographic data.

    The postdoc will be involved in the research and implementation, which
lies at the interface of Geographic Information Science and applied
computational geometry. The postdoc will also have some small
organisational responsibilities towards the project. Besides a postdoc
position, a PhD student works on the project with whom the postdoc is
expected to do joint research.

    The research will be carried out under the supervision of dr. M. van
Kreveld and dr. R. Veltkamp.

we ask

        * a PhD in computer science, with knowledge related to at least
          one of the following fields: algorithms, information retrieval,
          multi-media, GIS
        * presentation and organisation skills
        * willingness to travel for project meetings and conferences
        * good knowledge of english

we offer
    An appointment as onderzoeker op junior nivo.
    Salary max EUR 3332 (level 10, CAO Nederlandse Universiteiten).

how to apply

    * You can send a letter (with CV), addressed to
      Head of Personnel and Organisation
      Buys Ballotlaboratorium, room 102
      Princetonplein 5
      3584 CC Utrecht (De Uithof)
      The Netherlands or you can send an email to

    * Please cite vacancy number 62303.