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CfPart: 'Spatio-Temporal Dynamics' STeDy10@ECAI10

16 Aug 2010
Lisbon, Portugal

*****Call for Participation*****

We invite participants for the workshop on:

       "Spatio-Temporal Dynamics" (STeDy 10)

      at ECAI 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. (Monday 16 August 2010)

URL: http://www.cosy.informatik.uni-bremen.de/events/ecai10

Workshop program: http://www.cosy.informatik.uni-bremen.de/events/ecai10/programme.html

Workshop Keynote

The Formalities of Affordance

It is an obvious truth that the possibilities for action and movement are 
conditioned by the physical spatial environment. In the terminology of J. 
J. Gibson, these possibilities are defined by the "affordances" of 
environmental features, and the key to being a successful agent in the 
physical world is being able to perceive and exploit these affordances. In 
this talk I want to explore to what extent it is possible to characterise 
different types of affordance in terms of familiar spatial and temporal 
logics such as the RCC systems and the interval calculus, e.g., to 
characterise formally such notions as "container", "passageway", 
"entrance", and "barrier", and the types of action or movement that are 
afforded (or "disafforded") by environmental features having these 

Speaker: Antony Galton, University of Exeter, United Kingdom

We hope that you will find the workshop program interesting and would 
considering participating and contributing in the workshop proceedings.

Best regards,
STeDy Organisation


Mehul Bhatt
SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition
(FB3) Informatics, University of Bremen
P.O. Box 330 440
Bremen 28334, Germany
Fone  +49-421-218-64-237
Fax  +49-421-218-98-64-237