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Special track on Computational Social Choice and Social Software at RAMiCS 12

6-10 Jun 2011
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Call for Papers and Tutorials for the
12th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS 12)
including a special CFSC-SSEAC track on computational social choice and social software
June 6 to 10, 2011, Rotterdam, the Netherlands


Over the past twenty years, the RelMiCS (Relational Methods in Computer 
Science) and AKA (Applications of Kleene Algebra) conferences have been a 
main forum for researchers who use the calculus of relations and similar 
algebraic formalisms as methodological and conceptual tools. At the last 
of these conferences it was decided that the two series should be united 
under the new title "Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science 
(RAMiCS)". This year, special attention will be paid to the fact that the 
meetings started 20 years ago at the Banach Center in Warsaw.

Relational and algebraic methods and software tools like RELVIEW turn out 
to be useful for solving problems in social choice and game theory.

For that reason this conference includes a special track on computational 
social choice and social software, organized by the CFSC (Computational 
Foundations of Social Choice) and SSEAC (Social Software for Elections, 
the Allocation of tenders and Coalition formation) projects of the ESF 
LogICCC programme.

Topics include: relation algebra, Kleene algebra, fixpoint calculi, 
semiring theory, iteration algebras, process algebras and dynamic 

Applications include: formal algebraic modeling, the semantics, analysis 
and development of programs, computational social choice, social software, 
formal language theory, graph theory and combinatorial optimization.

Call for Papers and Tutorials

We invite submissions on the general topics of Relational and Algebraic 
Methods in Computer Science, and on Computational Social Choice and Social 
Software in particular. Papers and proposals for tutorials are due by 
December 1, 2010.

All papers will be formally reviewed. As with former RelMiCS conferences, 
we plan to publish the Proceedings in the series Lecture Notes in Computer 
Science (LNCS), ready at the conference. Submissions must be in English, 
in pdf format, and provide sufficient information to judge their merits. 
They must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. They 
should not exceed 16 pages in Springer LNCS style and must be produced 
with LaTeX using Springer's LNCS style file.

At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to present the 
paper at the conference. Detailed instructions for electronic submission 
can be found at the conference website. Formatting instructions and the 
LNCS style files can be obtained via 

As for the earlier conferences of this series, it is also intended to 
publish a selection of the best papers in revised and extended form in a 
special issue of the Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming (JLAP).

The predecessors of this conference were held in Warsaw (1991), Dagstuhl 
(January 1994), Parati (September 1995), Hammamet (January 1997), Warsaw 
(September 1998), Quebec (January 2000), Oisterwijk (October 2001), 
Malente (April 2003), St. Catherines (January 2005), Manchester (September 
2006), Frauenwoerth (April 2008) and Doha (November 2009).

Program committee

Rudolf Berghammer (Kiel, Germany)
Felix Brandt (Munich, Germany)
Harrie de Swart (Rotterdam, Netherlands; chair)
Jules Desharnais (Laval, Canada)
Ulle Endriss (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Marcelo Frias (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Hitoshi Furusawa (Kagoshima, Japan)
Peter Höfner (Augsburg, Germany)
Ali Jaoua (Doha, Qatar)
Peter Jipsen (Chapman, USA)
Wolfram Kahl (McMaster, Canada)
Larissa Meinicke (Sydney, Australia)
Bernhard Müller (Augsburg, Germany)
Ewa Orlowska (Warsaw, Poland)
Agnieszka Rusinowska (Paris, France)
Gunther Schmidt (Munich, Germany)
Renate Schmidt (Manchester, UK) Georg Struth (Sheffield, UK)
Michael Winter (Brock, Canada)

Important Dates

Call for Papers: July 1, 2010
Submission of papers: December 1, 2010
Notification: February 1, 2011
Final versions due (firm deadline): March 1, 2011
Registration: May 1, 2011
Conference: June 6 - 10, 2011

Ph.D. Student Programme

The conference will be accompanied by a Ph.D. programme consisting of 


Rotterdam is the second largest city of the Netherlands with about half a 
million inhabitants, well known for having one of the largest harbors in 
the World. It has its own airport, however with a limited number of 
international flights. Amsterdam airport (Schiphol) is about one hour by 
train. Rotterdam is known in the Netherlands and abroad as a city of great 
architecture, featuring many examples of innovative construction.

The city offers large museums housing exceptional exhibitions, such as the 
Kunsthal and Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, but also boasts numerous 
smaller galleries. The Maas River flows right through the city, crossed by 
the now-famous Erasmus Bridge which has become the symbol of Rotterdam.


This event is supported in part by the European Science Foundation (ESF) 
under the EUROCORES Programme LogICCC.

Further information


Harrie de Swart, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Faculty of Philosophy, 