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15-18 Dec 2010
Chennai, India

This is to encourage you to make a contribution to the 30th FSTTCS,
to be held at The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, during
15 to 18 December. As you know, FSTTCS has a long tradition of excellent
invited talks and high quality submissions over a wide range of areas
in the foundations of computer science and software technology.
We are pleased to announce invited talks by:

Rajeev Alur (U Penn)
Bruno Courcelle (LaBRI, Bordeaux)
Pavel Pudl\'ak (Academy of Sciences, Czech Rep)
Santosh Vempala (Georgia Tech)
Wies{\l}aw Zielonka (LIAFA, Paris)

The submission server opens on June 1, and the deadline is July 7.
The proceedings will take the form of a free, open, electronic
archive with access to all in the Leibniz International Proceedings
in Informatics (LIPIcs) series. In addition to being permanently archived
on ArXiV and other online servers, the proceedings of the Conference
will be hosted on the Dagstuhl Research Online Publication Server
(DROPS), with an ISBN number provided by DROPS. Over the last two
years, the open access proceedings of FSTTCS and STACS have been
indexed by all the major scientific indices.

Please do consider submitting a paper to the conference and encourage
your colleagues to do so as well. Submissions restricted to
12 pages using the FSTTCS style file available on the website.
Submission will be electronic, via the EasyChair site.
Concurrent submissions are not allowed until notification
(or submission of the final version, if accepted).

The call for papers with full details is available at our website

Kamal Lodaya and Meena Mahajan
Co-Chairs, Programme Committee

Important dates:
   Server opens              1 June
   Submission Deadline       7 July
   Notification to Authors   13 September
   Final Version due         8 October

The conference is on 15 to 18 December. There will be a workshop
preceding FSTTCS on some current areas of research (topics to be
announced on the conference web page). The 5th IPEC 2010 symposium
is co-located with FSTTCS in Chennai from 13 to 15 December.

Programme Committee:
Sanjeev Arora (Princeton U)
Eike Best (U Oldenburg)
Ahmed Bouajjani (LIAFA Paris)
Amit Chakrabarti (Dartmouth)
V\'eronique Cortier (LORIA-CNRS)
Luca de Alfaro (Google/UCSC)
Xiaotie Deng (C U Hong Kong)
Khaled Elbassioni (MPII Saarbr\"ucken)
Zolt\'an \'Esik (U Szeged)
Fedor Fomin (U Bergen)
Martin F\"urer (Penn State U)
Naveen Garg (IIT Delhi)
Joachim von zur Gathen (U Bonn)
Valentine Kabanets (SFU Vancouver)
T Kavitha  (TIFR Mumbai)
Kamal Lodaya (IMSc), co-chair
P Madhusudan (UIUC)
Meena Mahajan (IMSc), co-chair
Damian Niwi\'nski (U Warsaw)
Prakash Panangaden (McGill Montr\'eal)
Paritosh Pandya (TIFR Mumbai)
G\"unter Rote (F U Berlin)
Anil Seth (IIT Kanpur)
Wolfgang Thomas (Aachen)

Organizing Committee:
K. Narayan Kumar (CMI)
Meena Mahajan (IMSc), chair
R. Ramanujam (IMSc)
Saket Saurabh (IMSc)
Vikram Sharma (IMSc)

The Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
CIT Campus,
Chennai 600113, INDIA
Email  : fsttcs AT imsc.res.in
URL: http://www.fsttcs.org