15-17 August 2010
Chennai, India
Dear friends, As part of the International Congress of Mathematicians in Hyderabad in August 2010, a satellite conference on set theory and mathematical logic is being organised in Chennai during 15--17 August 2010. The venue of the conference is Chennai Mathematical Institute. The conference is jointly organised by Benedikt Loewe (ILLC, Amsterdam) and R. Ramanujam (IMSc, Chennai). The keynote speakers are: Joan Bagaria (ICREA & University of Barcelona) Rob Goldblatt (Victoria University of Wellington) Menachem Magidor (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Justin T. Moore (Cornell University) Andre Nies (University of Auckland) Kobi Peterzil (University of Haifa) Anand Pillay (University of Leeds) Theodore A. Slaman (University of California, Berkeley) Sergei Starchenko (University of Notre Dame) Wolfgang Thomas (RWTH Aachen) W. Hugh Woodin (University of California, Berkeley) Please take a look at the conference page at http://www.illc.uva.nl/Chennai/ for more details about the conference and keynote speakers. Please also look at the local organization page at http://ali.cmi.ac.in/icm2010/ for details about the local arrangements in Chennai. On-line registration is open now at http://ali.cmi.ac.in/icm2010/reg.php. Please register at the earliest and make the conference a grand success. Looking forward to seeing you in Chennai in August. on behalf of the local organisers, Suresh