Logic List Mailing Archive

Meeting of the Swiss Graduate Society in Logic

15-17 Sep 2010
Lausanne, Switzerland

Dear Young Logicians,
We are pleased to announce that the annual meeting of the Swiss Graduate 
Society in Logic will take place in collaboration with the ESF Scientific 
Network Infty between 15-17 September 2010 in Lausanne.
The topic of this year  is The Infinite in Mathematical Logic and the invited 
tutorials will be given by:

- Matteo Viale, from Torino, on Infinite Combinatorics
- Gerhard Jaeger, from Bern, on Operational Set Theory and Large Cardinals
- Jean-Louis Krivine, from Paris, on Realizability in Classical Logic
We organize the meeting to bring together graduate, postgraduates and postdocs 
in order to learn from senior researchers in the field but also from each other 
by discussing research issues during presentation sessions.

Young researchers interested in giving a presentation of their research (30min 
+ discussion) are invited to submit an abstract to: alessandro.facchini@unil.ch 
before Sunday 16th May. Notification: Sunday 23d May.


There are no registration fees. PhD students from Switzerland can be reimbursed 
from the SSLPS after the meeting.
Young researchers from a country member of the ESF Infty Network may apply for 
travel support from the network. This financial aid is very limited and will be 
mostly given to those participants who will be accepted for giving a talk;  the 
deadline for applications  is 31st May. For more information, please visit the 
following web page: http://www.inftynet.net
More and updated information, in particular concerning accommodation, is 
available at the conference website:
We hope that you will join us in Lausanne.
Best wishes,

Organizing Commitee:
Alessandro Facchini (Lausanne)
Raphael Carroy (Lausanne)
Miguel-Angel Mota (Wien)

Programme Commitee:
Alessandro Facchini (Lausanne)
Miguel Angel Mota (Wien)
Marcin Sabok (Wroclaw)
Thomas Studer (Bern)

Swiss Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science
ESF Research Networking Programme INFTY