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One year interdisciplinary logic studies in Amsterdam: the "Logic Year Certificate"

[Please forward to potentially interested students!]

Institute for Logic, Language and Computation ILLC

International and Interdisciplinary Program


  Besides the full two-year MSc programme, the ILLC now offers a one-year
programme called the 'Logic Year' Programme. The 'Logic Year' Programme is
60 ECTS, and consists of course work (48 ECTS) and a short thesis (12
ECTS). It offers the same areas of specialization as the MSc programme.
After completion the student is awarded a certificate. Students in the
'Logic Year' Programme can, if they wish, switch to the MSc programme
after one year.

  The programme is intended for students with a B.A. degree or equivalent.
German students in the old Diplom/Magister system can apply if they have a
Vordiplom/Zwischenpruefung and one year of studies afterwards during which
they have taken relevant courses of the Hauptstudium. It is particularly
fit for a year abroad if taken in the seventh and eighth semester.

  All courses are taught in English.

  More information can be found on the webpage
