29-30 May 2010
Oxford, U.K.
7th workshop on QUANTUM PHYSICS AND LOGIC (QPL) Oxford University, May 29-30, 2010. http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/people/Bob.Coecke/QPL_10.html The workshop succeeds a Spring School marking the end of the EU FP6 STREP QICS on Foundational Structures in Quantum Computation and Information, Oxford University, May 24-28, 2010. http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/people/Bob.Coecke/QICS_School.html Invited Speakers at QPL: Antonio Acin (Barcelona; TBC) John Baez (UCR & Singapore) Louis Crane (Kansas State) QPL Organizers: Bob Coecke (co-chair) Prakash Panangaden (co-chair) Peter Selinger (co-chair) QPL Program Committee: Howard Barnum (Los Alamos) Dan Browne (UCL - London) Bob Coecke (Oxford) Andreas Doering (Oxford) John Harding (NMSU) Viv Kendon (Leeds) Keye Martin (NRL - Washington) Prakash Panangaden (McGill) Simon Perdrix (Grenoble) Peter Selinger (Dalhousie) Alex Wilce (Susquehanna) Deadlines: March 28: Submission April 13: Notification of authors May 16: Corrected papers due Description: This event has as its goal to bring together researchers working on mathematical foundations of quantum physics, quantum computing and spatio-temporal causal structures, and in particular those that use logical tools, ordered algebraic and category-theoretic structures, formal languages, semantical methods and other computer science methods for the study physical behaviour in general. Over the past couple of years there has been a growing activity in these foundational approaches together with a renewed interest in the foundations of quantum theory, which complement the more mainstream research in quantum computation. A predecessor of this event, with the same acronym, called Quantum Programming Languages, was held in Ottawa (2003), Turku (2004), Chicago (2005) and Oxford (2006). The first QPL under the new name Quantum Physics and Logic was held in Reykjavik (2008) and the second in Oxford (2009); with the change of name and a new program committee we emphasise the intended much broader scope of this event, aiming to nourish interaction between modern computer science logic, quantum computation and information, models of spatio-temporal causality, and quantum foundations. Submission: Prospective speakers are invited to submit a 2-5 pages abstract which provides sufficient evidence of results of genuine interest and provides sufficient detail to allows the program committee to assess the merits of the work. Submissions of works in progress are encouraged but must be more substantial than a research proposal. We both encourage submissions of original research as well as research submitted elsewhere. Submissions should be in Postscript or PDF format and should be sent to Bob Coecke by March 28, with as subject line QPL Submission. Receipt of all submissions will be acknowledged by return email. Extended versions of accepted original research contributions will be published as a special issue of a jounal - we are currently still exploring the options.