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AISC 2010 (10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation)

5-6 July 2010
Paris, France

AISC 2010  10th International Conference on
Theory, Implementations and Applications

CNAM, Paris, France, July 5th  July 6th, 2010


Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation are two views and 
approaches for automating problem solving, in particular mathematical 
problem solving. The two approaches are based on heuristics and on 
mathematical algorithmics, respectively. Artificial Intelligence can be 
applied to Symbolic Computation and Symbolic Computation can be applied to
Artificial Intelligence. Hence, a wealth of challenges, ideas, theoretical
insights and results, methods and algorithms arise in the interaction of 
the two fields and research communities. Advanced tools of software 
technology and system design are needed and a broad spectrum of 
applications is possible by the combined problem solving power of the two

Hence, the conference is in the center of interest and interaction for 
various research communities:

* Artificial Intelligence * Logic
* Symbolic Computation * Software Technology
* Computer Algebra * Semantic Web Technology
* Automated Reasoning * Mathematical Knowledge Management
* Formal mathematics * Computer-based Math Teaching & Didactics
* Machine Learning * Computer-Supported Publishing
* Automated Discovery * Language and System Design

Topics of particular interest of the conference include:

* AI in Symbolic Mathematical Computing
* Computer Algebra Systems and Automated Theorem Provers
* Symmetries in AI problems
* Engineering, Industrial and Operations Research Applications
* Foundations and Complexity of Symbolic Computation
* Mathematical Modeling of Multi-Agent Systems
* Implementations of Symbolic Computation Systems
* Programming Languages for Symbolic Computation
* Symbolic Computations for Expert Systems and Machine Learning
* Symbolic Computation and Ontologies
* Logic and Symbolic Computing
* Implementation and Performance Issues
* Intelligent Interfaces
* Symbolic Techniques for Document Analysis

Papers on other topics with links to the above research fields and topics
will also be welcomed for consideration.

The proceedings of the conference will be published as a volume in the 
series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) by Springer-Verlag.
Accepted papers will have to be prepared in LaTeX and formatted according
to the requirements of the Springers LNAI series (the corresponding styl
files can be downloaded from http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html
and are the same for LNCS and LNAI).

Theoretical and applied research papers on all topics within the scope of
the conference are invited. Submitted papers (in English) must not exceed
15 pages in length (in the LNCS style). The title page should contain the
title, author(s) with affiliation(s), e-mail address(es), listing of 
keywords and abstract plus the topics from the above list to which the 
paper is related. The program committee (PC) will subject all submitted 
papers to a peer review. Theoretical papers will be judged on their 
originality and contribution to their field, and applied papers on the 
importance and originality of the application. Results must be original 
and have not been published elsewhere.

The web page for electronic submission is at:

Best Paper Awards
Every submission automatically competes for the Best Paper Award. Papers 
which have been mainly developed by (PhD) students can be marked as 
student papers upon submission to also compete for the Best Student Paper

Important Dates
Abstract Submission deadline: February 19, 2010
Submission deadline: February 26, 2010
Notification: April 18, 2010
Camera Ready Version: April 28, 2010
Conference: July 5  July 6, 2010