17-18 December 2009
New York NY, U.S.A.
WHAT IS THE NAME OF THIS CONFERENCE? A 90TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION HONORING RAYMOND SMULLYAN December 17 – 18 (Thursday and Friday), 2009, in the CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Organizers: Sergei Artemov and Melvin Fitting (CUNY) Contact email: melvin.fitting@lehman.cuny.edu Preliminary Program: December 17. Dana Scott will speak, from 4:15 to 5:30 in rooms 9209/9207. The talk will be followed by a wine and cheese party. December 18. Speakers are: Robert Cowen, Martin Davis, Jon Michael Dunn, Melvin Fitting, Anil Nerode, and Graham Priest. The talks will be in rooms 9209/9207. Events run from 9am to 6pm, with coffee breaks and time out for lunch. Afterwards there will be a dinner, at a restaurant yet to be determined. Website: http://nylogic.org/Workshop/Fall2009/smullyan.conference