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Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2010

7-11 Sep 2010
Prague, Czech Republic

Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2010

September 7  11, Prague, Czech Republic

First announcement

Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees is the second official meeting of the 
EUSFLAT Working Group on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic (www.mathfuzzlog.org).

Mathematical Fuzzy Logic is a subdiscipline of Mathematical Logic which 
studies the notion of comparative truth. The assumption that truth comes
in degrees has proved to be very useful in many, both theoretical and 
applied, areas of Mathematics, Computer Science and Philosophy.

The main goals of this meeting are to foster collaboration between 
researchers in the area of Mathematical Fuzzy Logic and to promote 
communication and cooperation with members of neighbouring fields.

The featured topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

     * Proof systems for fuzzy logics: Hilbert, Gentzen, natural deduction,
tableaux, resolution, computational complexity, etc.
     * Algebraic semantics: residuated lattices, MTL-algebras, 
BL-algebras,  MV-algebras, Abstract Algebraic Logic, functional 
representation, etc.
     * Game-theory: Giles games, Renyi-Ulam games, evaluation games, etc.
     * First-order fuzzy logics: axiomatizations, arithmetical hierarchy,
model theory, etc.
     * Higher-order fuzzy logical systems: type theories, Fuzzy Class 
Theory, and formal fuzzy mathematics.
     * Philosophical issues: connections with vagueness and uncertainty.
     * Applied fuzzy logical calculi: foundations of fuzzy logical 
programming, logic-based reasoning about similarity, fuzzy description 
logics, etc.

We also welcome contributions on any relevant aspects of related logical 
systems (such as substructural and quantum logics, and many-valued logics
in general).

Programme Committee:
Petr Hajek (Chair), Czech Republic
Antonio Di Nola, Italy
Christian Fermuller, Austria
Siegfried Gottwald, Germany
Daniele Mundici, Italy
Carles Noguera, Spain

Invited speakers:
Arnon Avron, Israel
Felix Bou, Spain
Agata Ciabattoni, Austria
Roberto Cignoli, Argentina
Ioana Leustean, Romania
Franco Montagna, Italy
James G. Raftery, South Africa
Hiroakira Ono, Japan

George Metcalfe, Switzerland  Proof theory for fuzzy logics
Vilem Novak, Czech Republic  Mathematical fuzzy logic in linguistic 

If you are interested in presenting a paper, please submit a 2-4 page 
abstract at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=latd2010. Your 
submission will be confirmed automatically on the e-mail address you 
provide. The accepted abstracts will be available on-line after the final
decision of the program committee. If you have any problems to submit an 
abstract, please contact us at mail to: latd2010(at)matfuzzlog.org

The deadline for contributions is 20th March 2010. The notification of 
acceptance/rejection will be sent until 30th April 2010.

For further information please visit the official web page of the 
conference: http://www.mathfuzzlog.org/latd2010. All correspondence should
be directed to latd2010(at)mathfuzzlog.org

Please, feel free to distribute this call.

The Organizing Committee
Petr Cintula (Chair), Petra Ivanicova, Karel Chvalovsky, Milan Petrik, 
Zuzana Hanikova