26-27 Nov 2009
Madrid, Spain
IV NOMOS MEETING: SELF-KNOWLEDGE AND AGENCY MADRID NOVEMBER 26.27 2009 THURDSDAY 26TH 10:00 CAROL ROVANE (Columbia University, New York) “Does Rationality Enforce Identity? 12:30 FABIAN DORSCH (Friburg University, Friburg) “Experiential Rationalism and Our Self-Knowledge of Mental Agency ” 15:30 CARLOS THIEBAUT (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid) “Identity and Second-Person Perspective” 17:30 ANTONI GOMILA (Universitat de les Iles Balears) “Realizing who I am” FRIDAY 27TH 10:00 AKEEL BILGRAMI (Columbia University, New York) “The relevance of self-knowledge to linguistic meaning” 12:00 JOSEP CORBI (Universitat de Valencia, Valencia) “Self-Knowledge and Moral Deliberation” 15:30 MARIO DE CARO (Universit Roma Tre, Roma) “Agency, Naturalism and Reinchantment 17:30 JOSEP LLUIS PRADES (Universitat di Girona, Girona) “Acting for reasons and the conjunctive fallacy” ORGANIZED BY: NOMOS NETWORK FOR APPLIED PHILOSOPHY NOMOS GROUP www.ub.es/grc_logos/nomos CREP NETWORK (CULTURES, REPRESENTATIONS, (E)SPACES AND PRACTICES) WWW.NETCREP.NET Research Project: “Epistemology of Agency and Epistemic Practices ” (HUM2006-03221) Research Project: Philosophy of Language, Logic and Cognition (HUM200 6-08236) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE FERNANDO BRONCANO (University Carlos III, Madrid) JOSEP E. CORBÍ (University of Valencia) JESÚS VEGA ENCABO (Autonomous University of Madrid) more information contact: jesus.vega@uam.es The conference will be held in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous University of Madrid Crta. Colmenar, km 15,4, 28049 Cantoblanco – Madrid (Spain)