Logic List Mailing Archive

ALAF'03: Workshop in Vienna, August 2003

ESSLLI'03 Workshop on

                "Adaptation of Automatic Learning Methods 
                 for Analytical and Inflectional Languages" 

                         August 18-22, 2003
                           Vienna, Austria


    Barbora Hladka, Kiril Ribarov
    Center for Computational Linguistics, Charles University
    Malostranske nam. 25, 118 00 Prague1, Czech Republic
    Phone: +420-221 914 223, Fax: +420-221 914 304
    E-mail: alaf03@ckl.mff.cuni.cz

Automatic (machine) learning approaches to any NLP task became a rich
area with a variety of methodologies. During the last years, its
development made significant progress in the direction of presenting
new methods and, at the same time, their modifications. These
modifications are of different nature and dependent on the language
under consideration. The aim of the workshop is to present and
evaluate various modifications of the automatic learning methods
originally developed for English and declared as language independent.
We are especially interested in automatic learning methods for the
problems of morphological tagging and parsing across languages with
high level of inflection. Further, we encourage quantitative and
qualitative comparison/evaluation studies across languages on the
inputs and the outputs of the mentioned procedures. The workshop
encourages reports of work on:
 1. Summarization of morphological and syntactic features relevant for
    various automatic learning procedures.
 2. Tendencies of improvement of the automatic learning methods.
    Presentation of implemented modifications and their cross language
 3. New/Latest algorithms for automatic learning.
 4. Hybrid approaches (Although, there are trials to apply hybrid
    approaches, it seems that the true key of how to combine the
    various parts has still not been found and lies mainly in the
    success of analyzing the errors of each single component. Studies
    which present the connection elements for a successful combination
    of diverse approaches are invited.)
This workshop is part of ESSLLI'03. For more information, see