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MSc in "Computer Science and Sanskrit Language Technology", Tirupati (India)
(University established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
TIRUPATI 517 064. Prof. A.Gurmurthi, Registrar
For M.Sc Computer Science and Sanskrit Language Technology
The Rashtriya Sanskrit University, Tirupati is offering a new
course *M.Sc (Computer Science and Sanskrit Language Technologies)*,
approved by UGC under Center of Excellence (CoE). This course aims to
generate young research scholars in Indian language Technologies making
use of rich Sanskrit traditional knowledge skills.
This blended course is designed to contribute to the development
of language processing applications for Indian Languages. Students are
basically trained to use the advanced concepts of Computer Science,
Artificial Intelligence, Sanskrit Grammar, language processing to develop
good applications.
The course provides four theory papers consisting of computer
paper natural Language processing and Sanskrit grammar and two labs each
semester. One lab in each semester is exclusively reserved to work with
lexical resources and language processing tools. The students will be
trained to develop full-fledged NLP tool for Sanskrit in the final
The course combines the best features of instructor-led and
internet based instructions. These features include:
Demonstration of live-projects through the use of e-class room.
Convenient, flexible lab schedules
A specific time schedule for course completion and
Interaction of the students with leading research personalities in the
Seminars and workshops.
Hence it is requested to the wide publicity for the benefit the
students of your institution. For more details, please contact *Dr.
R.J.Rama Sree*, Reader & Head, Dept. of Computer Science, R.S.University,
Tirupati. E-Mail: rsvpcs@gmail.com Ph (Mobi) :9704870412, Ph (Off) :
0877-22877649 Ext. 260, Ph (Resi) : 0877-2244012.